[slime-devel] slime-space and CUA mode

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 00:41:38 UTC 2007


it appears that you need a

(put 'slime-space 'delete-selection t)

after the definition of `slime-space' to make it collaborate with  
`delete-selection-mode' and `CUA-mode'.
(See also the recent discussion regarding this on emacs-pretest-bugs.)

Note that the above is not enough to make Undo behave correctly:  
after you have overwritten the region with a space, undoing the  
operation will only delete the space. It seems that Undo needs to  
understand that inserting the space is an atomic operation. I don't  
understand how undo works, so I can't offer a fix.

- David

http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X

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