[slime-devel] how to interrupt & kill function execution

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Nov 25 19:41:48 UTC 2004

Surendra Singhi <efuzzyone at netscape.net> writes:

> Hi,
> I have a question about how to kill/stop/terminate the function
> execution while using slime and clisp?

`C-c C-b', i.e. slime-interrupt, interrupts the Lisp process.  In the
REPL buffer it's also bound to C-c C-c.  This should then pop up the
sldb buffer.

For CLISP, Emacs sends a SIGINT signal to the process.  I don't know
whether sending SIGINT actually works on Windows, though.
Interrupting a multithreaded Lisp works a bit differently: we send a
:interrupt message to our "control thread" and the control thread
interrupts the "worker" thread.


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