[slime-devel] Replacing slime-autodoc by eldoc ?

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Nov 11 08:13:44 UTC 2004

Xavier Maillard <zedek at gnu-rox.org> writes:

> Hello,
> Is there any reason that prevent us to use eldoc when coding
> Lisp ?
> Why the choice was to reinvent the wheel by creating
> slime-autodoc ?
> Any hint on how to change that and use eldoc ? Just curious why
> this exists ;)

I didn't write that part, but I think the reason is that only the
eldoc in CVS Emacs is capable of doing what we need.

If we can use eldoc in Emacs 20 and XEmacs then we should, of course,
switch to eldoc.


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