[slime-devel] cmucl source-location and slime cvs problem

Raymond Toy rtoy at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 17 01:51:22 UTC 2004

As Luke knows, I've been having some problems with the latest cmucl cvs 
and slime.  Whenever emacs connects to the swank server, cmucl 
immediately gets a bus error.  (It shouldn't do that, but I don't know why.)

I think I finally tracked this down.  In cmucl cvs, Helmut's 
source-location patches have been incorporated.  However, 
swank-cmucl.lisp references some unknown functions such as 
file-source-location-tlf-number.  There's also a bug in 

  (defun resolve-file-source-location (location)
    (let ((filename (c::file-source-location-pathname location))
          (tlf-number (c::file-source-location-tlf-number location))
          (form-number (c::file-source-location-tlf-number location)))

Presumably the tlf-number and form-number should not be the same; 
form-number should be from file-source-location-form-number.

Anyway, attached is a simple hack patch that fixes these issues.  At 
least slime is now working again with cmucl cvs.  :-1

Thanks for the great tool!


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