[slime-devel] Causing slime to enter the debugger

Thomas F. Burdick tfb at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 15 01:43:16 UTC 2004

I'm adding some signal handlers to an application I'm writing, so it
acts like a well-behaved Unix daemon.  It would be nice to do
something like:

  (defun handle-sighup (&rest ignore)
    (declare (ignore ignore))
    #+debug (cerror "Restart server" "Signal request to restart")

The problem is that if I call break from a signal handler, the normal
SBCL toplevel enters the debugger.  With the following patch, I can
set *debugger-hook* to swank:swank-debugger-hook at the toplevel:

--- swank.lisp.~1.166.~				 Thu Apr  8 16:41:05 2004
+++ swank.lisp					 Wed Apr 14 18:37:54 2004
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+           #:swank-debugger-hook
            ;; configurables
@@ -882,7 +883,8 @@
         (*sldb-level* (1+ *sldb-level*))
         (*swank-state-stack* (cons :swank-debugger-hook *swank-state-stack*))
-        (*print-readably* nil))
+        (*print-readably* nil)
+        (*emacs-connection* (or *emacs-connection* (default-connection))))
      (lambda () (sldb-loop *sldb-level*)))))

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