[slime-devel] Problems with CLISP asserts

Barry Fishman barry_fishman at att.net
Mon Apr 12 00:01:59 UTC 2004

When running the CVS version of CLISP I get a failure during the asserts
in slink.lisp.

The problem is that:

  (assert (test-print-arglist '(&key (function #'+)) "(&key (function #'+))"))

fails because:

  (print-arglist-to-string '(&key (function #'+)))


  "(&key (function #'|COMMON-LISP|::|+|))"

rather than:

  "(&key (function #'+))"

I would think the CLISP response was technically correct, although
overly verbose.

This seems to be a side effect of using WITH-STANDARD-IO-SYNTAX, and

(pprint '#'+) => #'+
(with-standard-io-syntax (pprint '#'+)) => #'|COMMON-LISP|::|+| 
(with-standard-io-syntax (princ '#'+)) => #'+

Barry Fishman

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