[regex-coach] Getting it going on linux

Ian Balchin aesop at fables.co.za
Sat Sep 1 09:39:54 UTC 2007


I am running a Debian flavour of Linux. I have installed from the tar 
but when I try to execute the file ( <Enter> while in Midnight 
Commander)I get the following message

Error: Could not register handle for external module #:CAP:
libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have a link on the desktop, with the .desktop file in /Desktop and 
properties set to point to the executeable, but no luck there either, 
a different problem that may be of my own making so will leave that 
there (can't find the executeable)

My version runs fine on XP but I really need to get it going in Linux 
where I am working with Perl.

I suppose that I am missing libXm.so2 so can anyone please point me 
to that.

Thank you so much
Anne Wainwright

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