[movitz-cvs] CVS update: ia-x86/codec.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Thu Sep 2 09:01:22 UTC 2004

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/ia-x86
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12156

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added a protocol for adding "extra" prefixes (such as NOPs) to
instructions as they are inserted in a code-stream. This is needed for
Movitz to be able to align call instructions such that
return-addresses are distinguisable from immediate values, which is
required by stack discipline.

Date: Thu Sep  2 11:01:20 2004
Author: ffjeld

Index: ia-x86/codec.lisp
diff -u ia-x86/codec.lisp:1.5 ia-x86/codec.lisp:1.6
--- ia-x86/codec.lisp:1.5	Tue Feb 10 01:03:14 2004
+++ ia-x86/codec.lisp	Thu Sep  2 11:01:19 2004
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-;;;;    Copyright (C) 20012000, 2002, 2004,
+;;;;    Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004,
 ;;;;    Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway
 ;;;; Filename:      codec.lisp
-;;;; Description:   
+;;;; Description:   Encoding and decoding of instructions to/from binary.
 ;;;; Author:        Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
 ;;;; Created at:    Thu May  4 15:16:45 2000
 ;;;; Distribution:  See the accompanying file COPYING.
-;;;; $Id: codec.lisp,v 1.5 2004/02/10 00:03:14 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: codec.lisp,v 1.6 2004/09/02 09:01:19 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -428,9 +428,11 @@
-(defun template-instr-and-prefix-length (template instr)
+(defun template-instr-and-prefix-length (template instr env)
   (+ (template-instr-numo template)
-     (length (calculate-prefixes instr template))))
+     (length (calculate-prefixes instr template))
+     (length (compute-instruction-extra-prefixes instr template env))))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;                    Instruction decode
@@ -454,8 +456,8 @@
 (defun make-decode-instruction (datum prefixes template)
   (instruction-decode (make-instance (template-instr-classname template)
-			'datum datum
-			'prefixes (set-difference prefixes
+			:datum datum
+			:prefixes (set-difference prefixes
 						  (template-req-prefixes template)))
@@ -473,18 +475,22 @@
 	   (set-difference (instruction-prefixes instr)
 			   (template-not-prefixes template)))))
-(defun prefix-encode (prefix-list cdatum)
+(defun prefix-encode (cdatum prefix-list &optional extra-prefixes)
   "Given an instruction encoded into <cdatum> by <template>,
 append the necessary prefix-bytes to cdatum."
   (let ((new-byte (realpart cdatum))
 	(byte-pos (imagpart cdatum)))
     (loop for prefix in prefix-list
-	  do (progn
-	       (setf (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 byte-pos))
-			  new-byte)
+	  do (setf (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 byte-pos))
+			new-byte)
 	       (decode-set +prefix-opcode-map+
-	       (incf byte-pos)))
+	     (incf byte-pos))
+    (loop for prefix in extra-prefixes
+	  do (setf (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 byte-pos))
+			new-byte)
+	       prefix)
+	     (incf byte-pos))
     (complex new-byte byte-pos)))
 (defun make-instr-symbolic-from-template (template)
@@ -539,8 +545,10 @@
    :encoding-list (mapcar #'operand-class-encoding
 			  (template-instr-operand-classes template))
    :template template))
-(defun instruction-encode-from-teo (instr teo)
+(defvar *instruction-compute-extra-prefix-map* nil)
+(defun instruction-encode-from-teo (instr teo env)
   (check-type instr instruction)
   (let ((template (teo-template teo))
 	(resolved-operand-list (teo-resolved-operand-list teo))
@@ -550,9 +558,17 @@
 	  and operand-encoding in operand-encoding-list
 	  and operand-type in (template-instr-operand-types template)
 	  do (operand-encode operand operand-encoding operand-type is))
-      (prefix-encode (calculate-prefixes instr template)
-		     (encode-instr-symbolic template is)))))
+      (prefix-encode (encode-instr-symbolic template is)
+		     (calculate-prefixes instr template)
+		     (compute-instruction-extra-prefixes instr template env)))))
+(defun compute-instruction-extra-prefixes (instr template env)
+  (funcall (or (instruction-finalizer instr)
+	       (cdr (assoc (class-name (class-of instr)) *instruction-compute-extra-prefix-map*
+			   :test #'string=))
+	       (constantly nil))
+	   instr env (+ (template-instr-numo template)
+			(length (calculate-prefixes instr template)))))
 (defun template-match-by-cpu-mode (template cpu-mode)
   (or (eq :any-mode (template-cpu-mode template))
@@ -580,13 +596,16 @@
 	   (setf chosen-teo teo))
       finally (return chosen-teo)))
-(defun optimize-teo-smallest (teo-list instr)
+(defun optimize-teo-smallest (teo-list instr env)
   "Prefer the smallest (as in fewest octets) encodings."
+  (declare (ignore env))
   (pairwise-teopt teo-list
 		  #'(lambda (teo1 teo2 instr)
-		      (< (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo1) instr)
-			 (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo2) instr)))))
+		      (< (+ (template-instr-numo (teo-template teo1))
+			    (length (calculate-prefixes instr (teo-template teo1))))
+			 (+ (template-instr-numo (teo-template teo2))
+			    (length (calculate-prefixes instr (teo-template teo2))))))))
 (defun template-is-16-bit-p (template)
   (or (eq :16-bit (template-addressing-mode template))
@@ -594,8 +613,9 @@
       (member '16-bit-operand (template-req-prefixes template))
       (member '16-bit-address (template-req-prefixes template))))
-(defun optimize-teo-smallest-no16 (teo-list instr)
+(defun optimize-teo-smallest-no16 (teo-list instr env)
   "Prefer the smallest 32-bit encoding."
+  (declare (ignore env))
   (pairwise-teopt teo-list
 		  #'(lambda (teo1 teo2 instr)
@@ -603,40 +623,38 @@
 			    (t2 (teo-template teo2)))
 			(or (and (not (template-is-16-bit-p t1))
 				 (template-is-16-bit-p t2))
-			    #+ignore (and (null (intersection '(16-bit-operand 16-bit-address)
-							      (template-req-prefixes t1)))
-					  (intersection '(16-bit-operand 16-bit-address)
-							(template-req-prefixes t2)))
-			    (< (template-instr-and-prefix-length t1 instr)
-			       (template-instr-and-prefix-length t2 instr)))))))
+			    (< (+ (template-instr-numo t1)
+				  (length (calculate-prefixes instr t1)))
+			       (+ (template-instr-numo t2)
+				  (length (calculate-prefixes instr t2)))))))))
-(defun optimize-teo-original-size (teo-list instr)
+(defun optimize-teo-original-size (teo-list instr env)
   "Find an encoding that matches the size of the instruction's
 original size (its instruction-original-datum)."
   (let ((original-size (imagpart (instruction-original-datum instr))))
     (find-if #'(lambda (teo)
 		 (= original-size
-		    (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo) instr)))
+		    (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo) instr env)))
-(defun optimize-teo-user-size (teo-list instr)
+(defun optimize-teo-user-size (teo-list instr env)
   "Find an encoding that matches the user-specified size."
   (find-if #'(lambda (teo)
 	       (= (instruction-user-size instr)
-		  (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo) instr)))
+		  (template-instr-and-prefix-length (teo-template teo) instr env)))
-(defun instruction-encode (instr &optional env (optimize-teo-fn #'optimize-teo-smallest))
+(defun instruction-encode (instr env &optional (optimize-teo-fn #'optimize-teo-smallest))
   (let ((teo-list (instruction-encode-to-teo instr env)))
     (if (null teo-list)
 	(error "Unable to encode ~A." instr)
       (let ((teo (if (instruction-user-size instr)
-		     (optimize-teo-user-size teo-list instr)
-		   (funcall optimize-teo-fn teo-list instr))))
+		     (optimize-teo-user-size teo-list instr env)
+		   (funcall optimize-teo-fn teo-list instr env))))
 	(if (not (teo-p teo))
 	    (error "Optimization with ~S of instruction ~S failed for teo-list ~S"
 		   optimize-teo-fn instr teo-list)
-	  (instruction-encode-from-teo instr teo))))))
+	  (instruction-encode-from-teo instr teo env))))))

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