with-output-as-gadget (was Re: [mcclim-devel] Missing realizerincall to MAKE-PANE-1)

Paul Werkowski pw at snoopy.mv.com
Sun Dec 25 15:57:09 UTC 2005

| So, now I can confirm his eloquent explanation since I've traveled far
| enough
| down that path to see the cause. Now, if I could just see the solution
| ;-{

I think I have it!

Change the initialize-instance :after method  on gadget-output-record to just

(setf (gadget record) child)

and move the rest of the stuff in there to just after the call to
stream-add-output-record in with-output-as-gadget.

Seems to work for the cases I have tried. Maybe it will work for Max as well?


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