[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 10 21:25:13 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv24255/Drei

Modified Files:
	core.lisp drei-clim.lisp drei-redisplay.lisp drei.lisp 
	lisp-syntax.lisp lr-syntax.lisp packages.lisp syntax.lisp 
Log Message:
Make Drei support nonstandard views somewhat.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/core.lisp	2007/12/08 23:25:23	1.9
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/core.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.10
@@ -325,16 +325,16 @@
 specified syntax. `syntax' may be a string containing the name of
 a known syntax."))
-(defmethod set-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view) (syntax syntax))
+(defmethod set-syntax ((view drei-syntax-view) (syntax syntax))
   (setf (syntax view) syntax))
-(defmethod set-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view) (syntax symbol))
+(defmethod set-syntax ((view drei-syntax-view) (syntax symbol))
   (set-syntax view (make-syntax-for-view view syntax)))
-(defmethod set-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view) (syntax class))
+(defmethod set-syntax ((view drei-syntax-view) (syntax class))
   (set-syntax view (make-syntax-for-view view syntax)))
-(defmethod set-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view) (syntax string))
+(defmethod set-syntax ((view drei-syntax-view) (syntax string))
   (let ((syntax-class (syntax-from-name syntax)))
     (cond (syntax-class
 	   (set-syntax view (make-syntax-for-view view syntax-class)))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-clim.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:50	1.23
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-clim.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.24
@@ -400,12 +400,13 @@
                                    (syntax nil) (initial-contents "")
                                    (minibuffer t) (border-width 1)
                                    (scroll-bars :horizontal)
-                                   (drei-class 'drei-gadget-pane))
+                                   (drei-class 'drei-gadget-pane)
+                                   (view 'textual-drei-syntax-view))
   (check-type initial-contents array)
   (check-type border-width integer)
   (check-type scroll-bars (member t :both :vertical :horizontal nil))
   (with-keywords-removed (args (:minibuffer :scroll-bars :border-width
-                                                         :syntax :drei-class))
+                                                         :syntax :drei-class :view))
     (let* ((borderp (and border-width (plusp border-width)))
            (minibuffer-pane (cond ((eq minibuffer t)
                                    (make-pane 'drei-minibuffer-pane))
@@ -416,11 +417,13 @@
                                   (t (error "Provided minibuffer
 is not T, NIL or a `minibuffer-pane'."))))
            (drei-pane (apply #'make-pane-1 fm frame drei-class
-                       :minibuffer minibuffer-pane args))
+                       :minibuffer minibuffer-pane
+                       :view (make-instance view)
+                       args))
            (pane drei-pane)
            (view (view drei-pane)))
       (letf (((read-only-p (buffer view)) nil))
-        (insert-sequence (point view) initial-contents))
+        (insert-buffer-sequence (buffer view) 0 initial-contents))
       (if syntax
           (setf (syntax view)
                 (make-instance (or (when (syntaxp syntax)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2007/12/10 05:25:19	1.11
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.12
@@ -103,17 +103,17 @@
              (letf (((stream-default-view stream) view))
-(defmethod display-drei-view-cursor ((stream extended-output-stream) (view textual-drei-syntax-view)
+(defmethod display-drei-view-cursor ((stream extended-output-stream)
+                                     (view drei-view)
                                      (cursor drei-cursor))
-  (let ((mark (mark cursor)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y line-height)
-	(offset-to-screen-position stream view (offset mark))
-      (updating-output (stream :unique-id (list stream :cursor)
-                               :cache-value (list* cursor-x cursor-y line-height))
-	(draw-rectangle* stream
-			 (1- cursor-x) cursor-y
-			 (+ cursor-x 2) (+ cursor-y line-height)
-			 :ink (ink cursor))))))
+  (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y line-height)
+      (offset-to-screen-position stream view (offset (mark cursor)))
+    (updating-output (stream :unique-id (list stream :cursor)
+                             :cache-value (list* cursor-x cursor-y line-height))
+      (draw-rectangle* stream
+                       (1- cursor-x) cursor-y
+                       (+ cursor-x 2) (+ cursor-y line-height)
+                       :ink (ink cursor)))))
 (defmethod display-drei-view-cursor :after ((stream extended-output-stream) (view drei-view)
                                             (cursor point-cursor))
@@ -431,14 +431,15 @@
         (setf (offset (point view)) (offset bot))
         (beginning-of-line (point view))))))
-(defgeneric fix-pane-viewport (pane))
+(defgeneric fix-pane-viewport (pane view)
+  (:documentation "Fix the size and scrolling of `pane', which
+has `view'."))
-(defmethod fix-pane-viewport ((pane drei-pane))
+(defmethod fix-pane-viewport ((pane drei-pane) (view drei-view))
   (let* ((output-width (bounding-rectangle-width (stream-current-output-record pane)))
          (viewport (pane-viewport pane))
          (viewport-width (and viewport (bounding-rectangle-width viewport)))
-         (pane-width (bounding-rectangle-width pane))
-         (view (view pane)))
+         (pane-width (bounding-rectangle-width pane)))
     ;; If the width of the output is greater than the width of the
     ;; sheet, make the sheet wider. If the sheet is wider than the
     ;; viewport, but doesn't really need to be, make it thinner.
@@ -446,42 +447,53 @@
               (and viewport
                    (> pane-width viewport-width)
                    (>= viewport-width output-width)))
-      (change-space-requirements pane :width output-width))
-    (when (and viewport (active pane))
-      (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) (offset-to-screen-position pane view (offset (point view)))
-        (declare (ignore cursor-y))
-        (let ((x-position (abs (transform-position (sheet-transformation pane) 0 0)))
-              (viewport-width (bounding-rectangle-width (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))))
-          (cond ((> cursor-x (+ x-position viewport-width))
-                 (move-sheet pane (round (- (- cursor-x viewport-width))) 0))
-                ((> x-position cursor-x)
-                 (move-sheet pane (if (> viewport-width cursor-x)
-                                      0
-                                      (round (- cursor-x)))
-                             0))))))))
+      (change-space-requirements pane :width output-width))))
+(defmethod fix-pane-viewport :after ((pane drei-pane) (view point-mark-view))
+  (when (and (pane-viewport pane) (active pane))
+    (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) (offset-to-screen-position pane view (offset (point view)))
+      (declare (ignore cursor-y))
+      (let ((x-position (abs (transform-position (sheet-transformation pane) 0 0)))
+            (viewport-width (bounding-rectangle-width (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))))
+        (cond ((> cursor-x (+ x-position viewport-width))
+               (move-sheet pane (round (- (- cursor-x viewport-width))) 0))
+              ((> x-position cursor-x)
+               (move-sheet pane (if (> viewport-width cursor-x)
+                                    0
+                                    (round (- cursor-x)))
+                           0)))))))
 (defmethod handle-repaint :before ((pane drei-pane) region)
   (declare (ignore region))
   (redisplay-frame-pane (pane-frame pane) pane))
+(defgeneric fully-redisplay-pane (pane view)
+  (:documentation "Fully redisplay `pane' showing `view', finally
+setting the `full-redisplay-p' flag to false.")
+  (:method :after (pane (view drei-view))
+    (setf (full-redisplay-p view) nil)))
+(defmethod fully-redisplay-pane ((drei-pane drei-pane)
+                                 (view point-mark-view))
+  (reposition-pane drei-pane)
+  (adjust-pane-bot drei-pane)
+  (setf (full-redisplay-p view) nil))
 (defun display-drei-pane (frame drei-pane)
   "Display `pane'. If `pane' has focus, `current-p' should be
   (declare (ignore frame))
   (let ((view (view drei-pane)))
-    (with-accessors ((buffer buffer) (top top) (bot bot)) (view drei-pane)
-      (if (full-redisplay-p view)
-          (progn (reposition-pane drei-pane)
-                 (adjust-pane-bot drei-pane)
-                 (setf (full-redisplay-p view) nil))
-          (adjust-pane drei-pane))
-      #+nil(update-syntax-for-display buffer syntax top bot)
+    (with-accessors ((buffer buffer) (top top) (bot bot)) view
+      (when (typep view 'point-mark-view)
+        (if (full-redisplay-p view)
+            (fully-redisplay-pane drei-pane view)
+            (adjust-pane drei-pane)))
       (display-drei-view-contents drei-pane view)
       ;; Point must be on top of all other cursors.
-      (display-drei-view-cursor drei-pane view (point-cursor drei-pane))
       (dolist (cursor (cursors drei-pane))
         (display-drei-view-cursor drei-pane view cursor))
-      (fix-pane-viewport drei-pane))))
+      (fix-pane-viewport drei-pane (view drei-pane)))))
 (defgeneric full-redisplay (pane)
   (:documentation "Queue a full redisplay for `pane'."))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:50	1.20
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.21
@@ -210,11 +210,10 @@
   (additional-command-tables *drei-instance* command-table))
 (defmethod command-table-inherit-from ((table drei-command-table))
-  (let ((syntax-table (command-table (current-syntax))))
-    (append `(,syntax-table)
-            (additional-command-tables *drei-instance* table)
-            (when (use-editor-commands-p syntax-table)
-              '(editor-table)))))
+  (append (view-command-tables (current-view))
+          (additional-command-tables *drei-instance* table)
+          (when (use-editor-commands-p (current-view))
+            '(editor-table))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:50	1.33
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.34
@@ -116,12 +116,16 @@
 (defmethod name-for-info-pane ((syntax lisp-syntax) &key view)
   (format nil "Lisp~@[:~(~A~)~]"
-          (provided-package-name-at-mark syntax (point view))))
+          (provided-package-name-at-mark syntax (if (typep view 'point-mark-view)
+                                                    (point view)
+                                                    0))))
 (defmethod display-syntax-name ((syntax lisp-syntax) (stream extended-output-stream) &key view)
   (princ "Lisp:" stream)                ; FIXME: should be `present'ed
                                         ; as something.
-  (let ((package-name (provided-package-name-at-mark syntax (point view))))
+  (let ((package-name (provided-package-name-at-mark syntax (if (typep view 'point-mark-view)
+                                                                (point view)
+                                                                0))))
     (if (find-package package-name)
         (with-output-as-presentation (stream (find-package package-name) 'expression)
           (princ package-name stream))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:50	1.3
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.4
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((syntax lr-syntax-mixin) &rest args)
   (declare (ignore args))
   (with-accessors ((buffer buffer) (scan scan)) syntax
-    (setf scan (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))
-    (update-syntax syntax 0 0)))
+    (setf scan (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2007/12/08 23:25:23	1.20
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.21
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 (defpackage :drei-syntax
   (:use :clim-lisp :clim :drei-buffer :drei-base :flexichain :esa-utils)
   (:export #:syntax #:update-parse #:syntaxp #:define-syntax #:*default-syntax* #:cursor-positions
-           #:syntax-command-table #:use-editor-commands-p #:additional-command-tables #:define-syntax-command-table
+           #:syntax-command-table #:additional-command-tables #:define-syntax-command-table
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
            #:drei-view #:modified-p #:no-cursors
            #:drei-buffer-view #:buffer #:top #:bot
            #:drei-syntax-view #:syntax
+           #:point-mark-view
            #:tab-space-count #:space-width #:tab-width
            #:auto-fill-mode #:auto-fill-column
@@ -221,7 +222,10 @@
+           #:view-command-tables
+           #:use-editor-commands-p
+           #:synchronize-view
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/syntax.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:49	1.7
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/syntax.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.8
@@ -88,20 +88,6 @@
 available when Lisp syntax is used in Climacs (or another
 editor), but not anywhere else."))
-(defgeneric use-editor-commands-p (command-table)
-  (:documentation "If `command-table' is supposed to include
-standard editor commands (for inserting objects, moving cursor,
-etc), this function will return T (the default). If you want your
-syntax to use standard editor commands, you should *not* inherit
-from `editor-table' - the command tables containing the editor
-commands will be added automatically, as long as this function
-returns true. For most syntax command tables, you do not need to
-define a method for this generic function, you really do want the
-standard editor commands for all but the most esoteric
-  (:method ((command-table standard-command-table))
-    t))
 (defgeneric additional-command-tables (editor command-table)
   (:method-combination append)
   (:documentation "Return a list of additional command tables
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2007/12/10 05:27:46	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2007/12/10 21:25:12	1.3
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 buffer contents at a specific offset."))
 (defclass insert-record (simple-undo-record)
-  ((objects :initarg :objects
+ ((objects :initarg :objects
             :documentation "The sequence of objects that are to
 be inserted whenever flip-undo-record is called on an instance of
@@ -421,7 +421,21 @@
                 :initarg :no-cursors
                 :initform nil
                 :documentation "True if the view does not display
+   (%full-redisplay-p :accessor full-redisplay-p
+                      :initform nil
+                      :documentation "True if the view should be
+fully redisplayed the next time it is redisplayed.")
+   (%use-editor-commands :accessor use-editor-commands-p
+                         :initarg :use-editor-commands
+                         :initform nil
+                         :documentation "If the view is supposed
+to support standard editor commands (for inserting objects,
+moving cursor, etc), this will be true. If you want your view to
+support standard editor commands, you should *not* inherit from
+`editor-table' - the command tables containing the editor
+commands will be added automatically, as long as this value is
   (:documentation "The base class for all Drei views. A view
 observes some other object and provides a visual representation
 for Drei.")
@@ -433,6 +447,13 @@
 arguments are supported, is up to the individual view
+(defgeneric view-command-tables (view)
+  (:documentation "Return a list of command tables containing
+commands relevant for `view'.")
+  (:method-combination append)
+  (:method append ((view drei-view))
+    '()))
 (defgeneric create-view-cursors (output-stream view)
   (:documentation "Create cursors for `view' that are to be
 displayed on `output-stream'.")
@@ -464,8 +485,9 @@
                       nconc (list slot-initarg (slot-value view slot-name)))))))
 (defclass drei-buffer-view (drei-view)
-  ((%buffer :initform (make-instance 'drei-buffer)
-            :initarg :buffer :accessor buffer
+  ((%buffer :accessor buffer
+            :initform (make-instance 'drei-buffer)
+            :initarg :buffer
             :type drei-buffer
             :accessor buffer)
    (%top :accessor top
@@ -557,6 +579,11 @@
           (modified-p view) t)))
+(defmethod synchronize-view :around ((view drei-syntax-view) &key)
+  ;; If nothing changed, then don't call the other methods.
+  (unless (= (prefix-size view) (suffix-size view) (size (buffer view)))
+    (call-next-method)))
 (defmethod synchronize-view ((view drei-syntax-view)
                              &key (begin 0) (end (size (buffer view))))
   "Synchronize the syntax view with the underlying
@@ -565,13 +592,12 @@
 size of the buffer respectively."
   (let ((prefix-size (prefix-size view))
         (suffix-size (suffix-size view)))
-    (unless (= prefix-size suffix-size (size (buffer view)))
-      ;; Reset here so if `update-syntax' calls `update-parse' itself,
-      ;; we won't end with infinite recursion.
-      (setf (prefix-size view) (size (buffer view))
-            (suffix-size view) (size (buffer view)))
-      (update-syntax (syntax view) prefix-size suffix-size
-                     begin end))))
+    ;; Reset here so if `update-syntax' calls `update-parse' itself,
+    ;; we won't end with infinite recursion.
+    (setf (prefix-size view) (size (buffer view))
+          (suffix-size view) (size (buffer view)))
+    (update-syntax (syntax view) prefix-size suffix-size
+                   begin end)))
 (defun make-syntax-for-view (view syntax-symbol &rest args)
   (apply #'make-instance syntax-symbol
@@ -580,28 +606,13 @@
                         (synchronize-view view :begin begin :end end)))
-(defclass textual-drei-syntax-view (drei-syntax-view textual-view)
+(defclass point-mark-view (drei-buffer-view)
   ((%point :initform nil :initarg :point :accessor point-of)
-   (%mark :initform nil :initarg :mark :accessor mark-of)
-   (%auto-fill-mode :initform nil :accessor auto-fill-mode)
-   (%auto-fill-column :initform 70 :accessor auto-fill-column)
-   (%region-visible-p :initform nil :accessor region-visible-p)
-   (%full-redisplay-p :initform nil :accessor full-redisplay-p)
-   ;; for next-line and previous-line commands
-   (%goal-column :initform nil :accessor goal-column)
-   ;; for dynamic abbrev expansion
-   (%original-prefix :initform nil :accessor original-prefix)
-   (%prefix-start-offset :initform nil :accessor prefix-start-offset)
-   (%dabbrev-expansion-mark :initform nil :accessor dabbrev-expansion-mark)
-   (%overwrite-mode :initform nil :accessor overwrite-mode)
-   (%point-cursor :accessor point-cursor
-                  :initarg :point-cursor
-                  :type drei-cursor
-                  :documentation "The cursor object associated
-with point. This is guaranteed to be displayed
-on top of all other cursors.")))
+   (%mark :initform nil :initarg :mark :accessor mark-of))
+  (:documentation "A view class containing a point and a mark
+into its buffer."))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((view textual-drei-syntax-view)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((view point-mark-view)
                                        &rest args)
   (declare (ignore args))
   (with-accessors ((point point) (mark mark)
@@ -609,19 +620,38 @@
     (setf point (clone-mark (point buffer)))
     (setf mark (clone-mark (point buffer)))))
-(defmethod (setf buffer) :before ((buffer drei-buffer) (view textual-drei-syntax-view))
+(defmethod (setf buffer) :before ((buffer drei-buffer) (view point-mark-view))
   ;; Set the point of the old buffer to the current point of the view,
   ;; so the next time the buffer is revealed, it will remember its
   ;; point.
   (setf (point (buffer view)) (point view)))
-(defmethod (setf buffer) :after ((buffer drei-buffer) (view textual-drei-syntax-view))
+(defmethod (setf buffer) :after ((buffer drei-buffer) (view point-mark-view))
   (with-accessors ((point point) (mark mark)) view
     (setf point (clone-mark (point buffer))
           mark (clone-mark (point buffer) :right))))
+(defclass textual-drei-syntax-view (drei-syntax-view point-mark-view textual-view)
+  ((%auto-fill-mode :initform nil :accessor auto-fill-mode)
+   (%auto-fill-column :initform 70 :accessor auto-fill-column)
+   (%region-visible-p :initform nil :accessor region-visible-p)
+   ;; for next-line and previous-line commands
+   (%goal-column :initform nil :accessor goal-column)
+   ;; for dynamic abbrev expansion
+   (%original-prefix :initform nil :accessor original-prefix)
+   (%prefix-start-offset :initform nil :accessor prefix-start-offset)
+   (%dabbrev-expansion-mark :initform nil :accessor dabbrev-expansion-mark)
+   (%overwrite-mode :initform nil :accessor overwrite-mode))
+  (:default-initargs :use-editor-commands t))
 (defmethod create-view-cursors nconc ((output-stream extended-output-stream)
                                       (view textual-drei-syntax-view))
   (unless (no-cursors view)
-    (list (make-instance 'mark-cursor :view view :output-stream output-stream)
-          (make-instance 'point-cursor :view view :output-stream output-stream))))
+    (list (make-instance 'point-cursor :view view :output-stream output-stream)
+          (make-instance 'mark-cursor :view view :output-stream output-stream))))
+(defmethod view-command-tables append ((view textual-drei-syntax-view))
+  (list (command-table (syntax view))))
+(defmethod use-editor-commands-p ((view textual-drei-syntax-view))
+  t)

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