[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

CVS User afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 22 21:17:07 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv5587

Modified Files:
	input-editing.lisp medium.lisp 
Log Message:
Remove the blocks marked #+unicode, and remove #-unicode tags.

As clisp includes :unicode on their *features* list, it doesn't
make much sense anymore to keep code around that worked only with an
experimental branch of cmucl, long ago.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/input-editing.lisp	2005/06/22 09:49:15	1.47
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/input-editing.lisp	2006/01/22 21:17:07	1.48
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
 		   (if (> nmatches 0)
 		       (insert-input input)
-		 (cond ((and success (eq mode :complete))
+                 (cond ((and success (eq mode :complete))
 			(return-from complete-input
 			  (values object success input)))
 		       ((activation-gesture-p gesture)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/medium.lisp	2005/12/01 11:10:55	1.56
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/medium.lisp	2006/01/22 21:17:07	1.57
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
 (defgeneric text-style-family (text-style))
 (defgeneric text-style-face (text-style))
 (defgeneric text-style-size (text-style))
-(defgeneric text-style-language (text-style))
 (defgeneric merge-text-styles (text-style-1 text-style-2))
 (defgeneric text-style-ascent (text-style medium))
 (defgeneric text-style-descent (text-style medium))
@@ -99,24 +97,13 @@
 	     :reader text-style-face)
    (size     :initarg :text-size
 	     :initform :normal
-	     :reader text-style-size)
-   #+unicode
-   (language :initarg  :text-language
-	     :initform nil
-	     :reader   text-style-language)))
+	     :reader text-style-size)))
 (defmethod make-load-form ((obj standard-text-style) &optional env)
   (declare (ignore env))
   (with-slots (family face size) obj
     `(make-text-style ',family ',face ',size)))
-(defmethod make-load-form ((obj standard-text-style) &optional env)
-  (declare (ignore env))
-  (with-slots (family face size language) obj
-    `(make-text-style ',family ',face ',size ',language)))
 (defun family-key (family)
   (ecase family
     ((nil) 0)
@@ -148,29 +135,14 @@
 	((:smaller)    8)
 	((:larger)     9))))
-(defun language-key (language)
-  (ecase language
-    ((:english nil) 0)
-    ((:korean)      1)))
 (defun text-style-key (family face size)
   (+ (* 256 (size-key size))
      (* 16 (face-key face))
      (family-key family)))
-(defun text-style-key (family face size &optional (language nil))
-  (+ (ash (size-key size)         12)
-     (ash (language-key language)  8)
-     (ash (face-key face)          4)
-     (ash (family-key family)      0)))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defvar *text-style-hash-table* (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
 (defun make-text-style (family face size)
   (let ((key (text-style-key family face size)))
     (declare (type fixnum key))
@@ -181,17 +153,6 @@
 			     :text-face face
 			     :text-size size)))))
-(defun make-text-style (family face size &optional language)
-  (let ((key (text-style-key family face size language)))
-    (declare (type fixnum key))
-    (or (gethash key *text-style-hash-table*)
-	(setf (gethash key *text-style-hash-table*)
-	      (make-instance 'standard-text-style
-			     :text-family family
-			     :text-face face
-			     :text-size size
-                             :text-language language)))))
 ) ; end eval-when
 (defmethod print-object ((self text-style) stream)
@@ -202,9 +163,7 @@
 			      (style2 standard-text-style))
   (and (eql (text-style-family style1) (text-style-family style2))
        (eql (text-style-face style1) (text-style-face style2))
-       (eql (text-style-size style1) (text-style-size style2))
-       #+unicode (eql (text-style-language style1)
-		      (text-style-language style2))))
+       (eql (text-style-size style1) (text-style-size style2))))
 (defconstant *default-text-style* (make-text-style :fix :roman :normal))
 (defconstant *undefined-text-style* *default-text-style*)
@@ -232,9 +191,7 @@
 (defmethod text-style-components ((text-style standard-text-style))
   (values (text-style-family   text-style)
           (text-style-face     text-style)
-          (text-style-size     text-style)
-          #+unicode
-          (text-style-language text-style)))
+          (text-style-size     text-style)))
 ;;; Device-Font-Text-Style class
@@ -274,7 +231,6 @@
 ;;; Text-style utilities
 (defmethod merge-text-styles (s1 s2)
   (setq s1 (parse-text-style s1))
   (setq s2 (parse-text-style s2))
@@ -296,31 +252,6 @@
         (make-text-style family face size))
-(defmethod merge-text-styles (s1 s2)
-  (setq s1 (parse-text-style s1))
-  (setq s2 (parse-text-style s2))
-  (if (and (not (device-font-text-style-p s1))
-	   (not (device-font-text-style-p s2)))
-      (let* ((family (or (text-style-family s1) (text-style-family s2)))
-             (face1 (text-style-face s1))
-             (face2 (text-style-face s2))
-             (face (if (subsetp '(:bold :italic) (list face1 face2))
-                       '(:bold :italic)
-                       (or face1 face2)))
-             (size1 (text-style-size s1))
-             (size2 (text-style-size s2))
-             (size (case size1
-                     ((nil) size2)
-                     (:smaller (find-smaller-size size2))
-                     (:larger (find-larger-size size2))
-                     (t size1)))
-             ; v- this is probably wrong, but it requires an idea of which
-             ; languages include which foreign language support.
-             (language (or (text-style-language s1) (text-style-language s2))))
-        (make-text-style family face size language))
-      s1))
 (defun parse-text-style (style)
   (cond ((text-style-p style) style)
         ((null style) (make-text-style nil nil nil)) ; ?
@@ -392,18 +323,6 @@
        (invoke-with-text-style ,medium #',cont
                                (make-text-style nil nil ,size)))))
-(defmacro with-text-language ((medium language) &body body)
-  (declare (type symbol medium))
-  (when (eq medium t) (setq medium '*standard-output*))
-  (with-gensyms (cont)
-    `(flet ((,cont (,medium)
-              ,(declare-ignorable-form* medium)
-              , at body))
-       (declare (dynamic-extent #',cont))
-       (invoke-with-text-style ,medium #',cont
-                               (make-text-style nil nil nil ,language)))))
 ;;; MEDIUM class

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