[mcclim-cvs] CVS update: mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp

Duncan Rose drose at common-lisp.net
Sat May 28 19:56:06 UTC 2005

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/beagle
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv15409/mcclim/Backends/beagle

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Some tidying up of code. Rearranged EVENTS.LISP somewhat in preparation
of better key event handling. Minor changes to rounding and coercing of
coordinates in Beagle.

Date: Sat May 28 21:56:05 2005
Author: drose

Index: mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp
diff -u mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp:1.2 mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp:1.3
--- mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp:1.2	Tue Jul 13 19:37:56 2004
+++ mcclim/Backends/beagle/cocoa-util.lisp	Sat May 28 21:56:04 2005
@@ -23,57 +23,24 @@
 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
 ;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-;(in-package :clim-cocoa)
 (in-package :ccl)
-;(require "OBJC-SUPPORT")
-;; Should be using "with-autorelease-pool" somewhere... but for now, take it out because
-;; something isn't working...
-;; Make an NSColor object that is the desired colour provided as a parameter, and with
-;; the opacity provided in the key argument (defaults to 1.0 (opaque)).
-;;;(defun make-ns-color (desired-color &key (alpha 1.0))
-;;;  (cl-user::debug-log 1 "cocoa-util.lisp: -> MAKE-NS-COLOR() - TYPE-OF (desired-color): ~A~%"
-;;;          (type-of desired-color))
-;;;  (cl-user::debug-log 1 "cocoa-util: Entered MAKE-NS-COLOR, desired colour = ~S~%" desired-color)
-;;;  (multiple-value-bind (r g b)
-;;;      (clim:color-rgb desired-color)
-;;;      (send (@class ns-color) :color-with-calibrated-red r
-;;;                              :green g
-;;;                              :blue b
-;;;                              :alpha alpha)))
-;; Given a CLIM event-mask, generate a Cocoa event-mask
-;;;(defun clim-event-mask->cocoa-event-mask (event-mask)
-;;;  (cl-user::debug-log 1 "cocoa-util: Entered CLIM-EVENT-MASK->COCOA-EVENT-MASK (stubbed)~%")
-;;;  event-mask)
-;; Tell an NSWindow what events to respond to
-;;;(defun set-ns-window-event-mask (window event-mask)
-;;;  (cl-user::debug-log 1 "cocoa-util: Entered SET-NS-WINDOW-EVENT-MASK~%")
-;;;    (send window :next-event-matching-mask event-mask))
 ;; Make an NSRect structure with the origin at (x, y) and with the width and height
 ;; specified.
 (defun make-ns-rect (x y width height)
-  (make-record :<NSR>ect :origin.x    (+ (coerce x      'short-float) 0.5)
-                         :origin.y    (+ (coerce y      'short-float) 0.5)
-			 :size.width     (coerce width  'short-float)
-			 :size.height    (coerce height 'short-float)))
+  "Make a Cocoa NSRect structure with the origin at (x, y) and with the
+width and height specified. The memory for any structure created with
+this method must be released by the user (using (#_free))."
+  (make-record :<NSR>ect :origin.x    x
+                         :origin.y    y
+			 :size.width  width
+			 :size.height height))
 (defun make-ns-point (x y)
-  (make-record :<NSP>oint :x (+ (coerce x 'short-float) 0.5)
-	                  :y (+ (coerce y 'short-float) 0.5)))
-;; Get the *NSApp* reference
-;;;(defun get-ns-app ()
-;;;  *NSApp*)
-;; Send the NSWindow provided a setFrame: message
-;;;(defun window-set-frame (window rect &key (display t))
-;;;    (send window :set-frame rect :display display))
+  "Make a Cocoa NSPoint structure populated with x and y provided.
+The memory for any structure created with this method must be released
+by the user (using (#_free))."
+  (make-record :<NSP>oint :x x :y y))
 ;; Stolen from Bosco "main.lisp"
 (defun description (c)

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