[mcclim-cvs] CVS update: mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp

Peter Scott pscott at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 18 20:51:30 UTC 2005

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Inspector
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17025

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added inspection for pathnames.

Added INSPECTOR-TABLE-ROWS macro which makes many uses of
INSPECTOR-TABLE-ROW much shorter and more readable, and converted some
code to use it.

Added ability to show integers as universal times. Also did some
refactoring of the integer inspection code, so now it does more but
has less code. Its format was improved a bit.

Date: Fri Mar 18 21:51:30 2005
Author: pscott

Index: mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp
diff -u mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp:1.29 mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp:1.30
--- mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp:1.29	Thu Mar 17 23:49:49 2005
+++ mcclim/Apps/Inspector/inspector.lisp	Fri Mar 18 21:51:29 2005
@@ -171,6 +171,17 @@
 	(formatting-cell (,evaluated-pane)
+(defmacro inspector-table-rows ((pane) &body rows)
+  "Output a bunch of rows with INSPECTOR-TABLE-ROW on PANE. Each row
+is a list of a label and a value."
+  (let ((evaluated-pane (gensym "pane")))
+    `(let ((,evaluated-pane ,pane))
+      ,@(loop for row in rows
+	      collect (destructuring-bind (label value) row
+			`(inspector-table-row (,evaluated-pane)
+			  (princ ,label ,evaluated-pane)
+			  (inspect-object ,value ,evaluated-pane)))))))
 (defun print-documentation (object pane)
   "Print OBJECT's documentation, if any, to PANE"
   (when (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
@@ -559,55 +570,62 @@
       (format pane "Float ~S" object)
     (multiple-value-bind (significand exponent sign)
         (decode-float object)
-      (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	  (princ "sign:" pane)
-        (inspect-object sign pane))
-      (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	  (princ "significand:" pane)
-        (inspect-object significand pane))
-      (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	  (princ "exponent:" pane)
-        (inspect-object exponent pane)))
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "radix:" pane)
-      (inspect-object (float-radix object) pane))))
+      (inspector-table-rows (pane)
+	("sign:" sign)
+	("significand:" significand)
+	("exponent:" exponent)))
+    (inspector-table-rows (pane)
+      ("radix:" (float-radix object)))))
+(defun iso-8601-format (time)
+  "Return the given universal time in ISO 8601 format. This will raise
+an error if the given time is not a decodable universal time."
+  (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour date month year)
+      (decode-universal-time time)
+    (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0DZ"
+	    year month date hour min sec)))
 (defmethod inspect-object ((object integer) pane)
-  (inspector-table (object pane)
-      (format pane "Integer ~S" object)
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "value:" pane)
-      (formatting-table (pane)
-	(formatting-row (pane)
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (with-output-as-presentation
-		(pane object (presentation-type-of object))
-	      (princ object pane)))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (princ "=" pane))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (with-output-as-presentation
-		(pane object (presentation-type-of object))
-	      (write object :radix t :base 16 :stream pane)))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (princ "=" pane))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (with-output-as-presentation
-		(pane object (presentation-type-of object))
-	      (write object :radix t :base 8 :stream pane)))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
-	    (princ "=" pane))
-	  (formatting-cell (pane)
+  (flet ((present-in-base (base &key (radix t) (family :fix))
+	   (with-text-family (pane family)
+	     (formatting-cell (pane)
+	       (with-output-as-presentation
+		   (pane object (presentation-type-of object))
+		 (write object :radix radix :base base :stream pane)))))
+	 (print-equals-cell ()
+	   (formatting-cell (pane)
+	     (princ "=" pane))))
+    (inspector-table (object pane)
+	(format pane "Integer ~S" object)
+      (inspector-table-row (pane)
+	  (princ "value:" pane)
+	(formatting-table (pane)
+	  (formatting-row (pane)
+	    ;; Base 10 should be displayed normally, without the
+	    ;; fixed-width font and without the radix.
+	    (present-in-base 10 :radix nil :family :sans-serif)
+	    (print-equals-cell)		; =
+	    (present-in-base 16)	; Hexadecimal
+	    (print-equals-cell)		; =
+	    (present-in-base 8)		; Octal
+	    (print-equals-cell)		; =
+	    (present-in-base 2))))	; Binary
+      (when (<= 0 object 255)
+	(inspector-table-row (pane)
+	    (princ "character:" pane)
+	  (inspect-object (code-char object) pane)))
+      (inspector-table-row (pane)
+	  (princ "length:" pane)
+	(inspect-object (integer-length object) pane))
+      ;; Sometimes we get numbers that can't be interpreted as a
+      ;; time. Those throw an error, and this just isn't printed.
+      (ignore-errors
+	(inspector-table-row (pane)
+	    (princ "as time:" pane)
+	  (with-text-family (pane :fix)
 		(pane object (presentation-type-of object))
-	      (write object :radix t :base 2 :stream pane))))))
-    (when (<= 0 object 255)
-      (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	  (princ "character:" pane)
-	(inspect-object (code-char object) pane)))
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "length:" pane)
-      (inspect-object (integer-length object) pane))))
+	      (princ (iso-8601-format object) pane))))))))
 (defmethod inspect-object-briefly ((object symbol) pane)
@@ -619,28 +637,28 @@
   (inspector-table (object pane)
       (format pane "Symbol ~S" (symbol-name object))
     (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "value:")
+	(princ "value:" pane)
       (if (boundp object)
 	  (inspect-object (symbol-value object) pane)
-	  (princ "unbound")))
+	  (princ "unbound" pane)))
     (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "function:")
+	(princ "function:" pane)
       (if (fboundp object)
 	  (inspect-object (symbol-function object) pane)
-	  (princ "unbound")))
+	  (princ "unbound" pane)))
     ;; This is not, strictly speaking, a property of the
     ;; symbol. However, this is useful enough that I think it's worth
     ;; including here, since it can eliminate some minor annoyances.
     (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "class:")
+	(princ "class:" pane)
       (if (find-class object nil)
 	  (inspect-object (find-class object) pane)
-	  (princ "unbound")))
+	  (princ "unbound" pane)))
     (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "package:")
+	(princ "package:" pane)
       (inspect-object (symbol-package object) pane))
     (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "propery list:")
+	(princ "propery list:" pane)
       (dolist (property (symbol-plist object))
 	(inspect-object property pane)))))
@@ -654,15 +672,29 @@
 (defmethod inspect-object ((object character) pane)
   (inspector-table (object pane)
       (format pane "Character ~S" object)
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "code:" pane)
-      (inspect-object (char-code object) pane))
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "int:" pane)
-      (inspect-object (char-int object) pane))
-    (inspector-table-row (pane)
-	(princ "name:" pane)
-      (inspect-object (char-name object) pane))))
+    (inspector-table-rows (pane)
+      ("code:" (char-code object))
+      ("int:"  (char-int object))
+      ("name:" (char-name object)))))
+(defmethod inspect-object ((object pathname) pane)
+  (inspector-table (object pane)
+      (princ (if (wild-pathname-p object)
+		 "Wild pathname"
+		 "Pathname"))
+    (inspector-table-rows (pane)
+      ("namestring:" (namestring object))
+      ("host:"       (pathname-host object))
+      ("device:"     (pathname-device object))
+      ("directory:"  (pathname-directory object))
+      ("name:"       (pathname-name object))
+      ("type:"       (pathname-type object))
+      ("version:"    (pathname-version object)))
+    (unless (or (wild-pathname-p object)
+		(not (probe-file object)))
+      (inspector-table-row (pane)
+	  (princ "truename:" pane)
+	(inspect-object (truename object) pane)))))
 (defun display-app (frame pane)
   "Display the APP frame of the inspector"

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