[benelux-lispers] Re: [lisp-hh] Meetings 4 und 5

Dirk Gerrits dirk at dirkgerrits.com
Sat Oct 9 20:12:56 UTC 2004

Arthur Lemmens <alemmens at xs4all.nl> writes:

> Edi Weitz wrote:
>> 2. Nächstes Meeting am 14.11. um 14 Uhr am selben Ort (LJR) wie beim
>> letzten Mal, falls niemand grundsätzliche Einwände gegen Ort und
>> Zeit hat (und ich den Raum für diesen Tag reservieren
>> kann). Anschließend irgendwo essen gehen.
> Sounds good too.  I'll try to be there.
> I'll see if I can find some more Lispniks in the Netherlands who
> want to come with me.

I'd love to come.  Especially since I didn't really get a chance to meet
most of the participants last time.  I'm not sure yet if I can make it
though.  I have preliminary exams the week after the meeting, and if
they happen to start on Monday then I'd better not come home late from
Hamburg the day before.  Otherwise I should be fine.  Can I come with
you and Ernst again, Arthur?

Kind regards,

Dirk Gerrits

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