[iterate-devel] Iterate not checking(or not using functions that check) if lists are lists

Jasper den Ouden o.jasper at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 14:48:09 UTC 2009

There are too many things on the mailing lists to see if it is already
mentioned, i hope i am not being redundant.

If you write (iter (for el in 'a) (collect el)), it just returns nil. This
can lead to confusing bugs, as people are used to CL telling you something
is not a valid argument. I suggest having it check that the argument type is
correct, by either using CLs functions or looking for it. (Also for vectors
and such.)  It may affect performence though, maybe use a defvar/parameter
to turn it on/off, or maybe you can use the safety declaration?

Btw, i made a a little other approach<http://lisp-umac.berlios.de/umac.html>,
but i think the iterate approach is better. (Oops the autodocumentation link
is broken, the one in the menu works though.)

Thanks for the great tool, Jasper
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