[iterate-devel] Fwd: if-first-iteration, a little better vers ion as an arch patch

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
Tue Jan 10 13:02:00 UTC 2006

Attila Lendvai wrote:
>And finally a new version of if-first-iteration:
That's more or less that, minor a few points (a documentation string, bind step-body after first-usage to avoid setf, usage of make-accum-var-binding, and probably eliminate the no-else code generation test (let the compiler do that)).

I'll add it to the next version (not immediately, I'm too busy right now). I hope this is ok.
BTW, what's the iteration pattern that lead you to define this and not use IF-FIRST-TIME?  Could you show some sample/imaginary code?

Thanks for your contribution.

	Jörg Höhle

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