[graphic-forms-cvs] r434 - branches/graphic-forms-newtypes/src/uitoolkit/system

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Sat Mar 17 16:24:03 UTC 2007

Author: junrue
Date: Sat Mar 17 11:24:02 2007
New Revision: 434

got rid of BYTE alias for :unsigned-char to avoid CFFI warning

Modified: branches/graphic-forms-newtypes/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp
--- branches/graphic-forms-newtypes/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/graphic-forms-newtypes/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	Sat Mar 17 11:24:02 2007
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;;; system-types.lisp
-;;;; Copyright (C) 2006, Jack D. Unrue
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Jack D. Unrue
 ;;;; All rights reserved.
 ;;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
 (defctype ATOM     :unsigned-short) ; shadowed in gfs: package
 (defctype BOOL     :int)
 (defctype BOOLEAN  :char)        ; shadowed in gfs: package
-(defctype BYTE     :unsigned-char)
 (defctype COLORREF :unsigned-long)
 (defctype DWORD    :unsigned-long)
 (defctype HANDLE   :pointer)
@@ -121,18 +120,18 @@
   (bcbitcount WORD))
 (defcstruct bitmapinfo
-  (bisize DWORD)
-  (biwidth LONG)
-  (biheight LONG)
-  (biplanes WORD)
-  (bibitcount WORD)
+  (bisize        DWORD)
+  (biwidth       LONG)
+  (biheight      LONG)
+  (biplanes      WORD)
+  (bibitcount    WORD)
   (bicompression DWORD)
-  (bisizeimage DWORD)
-  (bixpels LONG)
-  (biypels LONG)
-  (biclrused DWORD)
-  (biclrimp DWORD)
-  (bmicolors BYTE :count 1024)) ; allocate space for max palette (256 RGBQUADs)
+  (bisizeimage   DWORD)
+  (bixpels       LONG)
+  (biypels       LONG)
+  (biclrused     DWORD)
+  (biclrimp      DWORD)
+  (bmicolors     :unsigned-char :count 1024)) ; allocate space for max palette (256 RGBQUADs)
 (define-foreign-type bitmapinfo-pointer-type () ()
   (:actual-type :pointer)
@@ -249,19 +248,19 @@
   (hatch LONG))
 (defcstruct logfont
-  (lfheight LONG)
-  (lfwidth LONG)
-  (lfescapement LONG)
-  (lforientation LONG)
-  (lfweight LONG)
-  (lfitalic BYTE)
-  (lfunderline BYTE)
-  (lfstrikeout BYTE)
-  (lfcharset BYTE)
-  (lfoutprec BYTE)
-  (lfclipprec BYTE)
-  (lfquality BYTE)
-  (lfpitchandfamily BYTE)
+  (lfheight         LONG)
+  (lfwidth          LONG)
+  (lfescapement     LONG)
+  (lforientation    LONG)
+  (lfweight         LONG)
+  (lfitalic         :unsigned-char)
+  (lfunderline      :unsigned-char)
+  (lfstrikeout      :unsigned-char)
+  (lfcharset        :unsigned-char)
+  (lfoutprec        :unsigned-char)
+  (lfclipprec       :unsigned-char)
+  (lfquality        :unsigned-char)
+  (lfpitchandfamily :unsigned-char)
   (lffacename TCHAR :count 32)) ; LF_FACESIZE is 32
 (defcstruct menuinfo
@@ -311,15 +310,15 @@
   (pnt point))
 (defcstruct paintstruct
-  (hdc HANDLE)
-  (erase BOOL)
-  (rcpaint-x LONG)
-  (rcpaint-y LONG)
-  (rcpaint-width LONG)
+  (hdc            HANDLE)
+  (erase          BOOL)
+  (rcpaint-x      LONG)
+  (rcpaint-y      LONG)
+  (rcpaint-width  LONG)
   (rcpaint-height LONG)
-  (restore BOOL)
-  (incupdate BOOL)
-  (reserved BYTE :count 32))
+  (restore        BOOL)
+  (incupdate      BOOL)
+  (reserved       :unsigned-char :count 32))
 (define-foreign-type rect-pointer-type () ()
   (:actual-type :pointer)
@@ -379,10 +378,10 @@
   (ofnexflags DWORD))
 (defcstruct rgbquad
-  (rgbblue BYTE)
-  (rgbgreen BYTE)
-  (rgbred BYTE)
-  (rgbreserved BYTE))
+  (rgbblue     :unsigned-char)
+  (rgbgreen    :unsigned-char)
+  (rgbred      :unsigned-char)
+  (rgbreserved :unsigned-char))
 (defcstruct scrollinfo
   (cbsize   UINT)
@@ -398,26 +397,26 @@
   (cy LONG))
 (defcstruct textmetrics
-  (tmheight LONG)
-  (tmascent LONG)
-  (tmdescent LONG)
+  (tmheight          LONG)
+  (tmascent          LONG)
+  (tmdescent         LONG)
   (tminternalleading LONG)
   (tmexternalleading LONG)
-  (tmavgcharwidth LONG)
-  (tmmaxcharwidth LONG)
-  (tmweight LONG)
-  (tmoverhang LONG)
-  (tmdigaspectx LONG)
-  (tmdigaspecty LONG)
-  (tmfirstchar :char)
-  (tmlastchar :char)
-  (tmdefaultchar :char)
-  (tmbreakchar :char)
-  (tmitalic BYTE)
-  (tmunderlined BYTE)
-  (tmstruckout BYTE)
-  (tmpitchfam BYTE)
-  (tmcharset BYTE))
+  (tmavgcharwidth    LONG)
+  (tmmaxcharwidth    LONG)
+  (tmweight          LONG)
+  (tmoverhang        LONG)
+  (tmdigaspectx      LONG)
+  (tmdigaspecty      LONG)
+  (tmfirstchar       :char)
+  (tmlastchar        :char)
+  (tmdefaultchar     :char)
+  (tmbreakchar       :char)
+  (tmitalic          :unsigned-char)
+  (tmunderlined      :unsigned-char)
+  (tmstruckout       :unsigned-char)
+  (tmpitchfam        :unsigned-char)
+  (tmcharset         :unsigned-char))
 (defcstruct windowinfo
   (cbsize DWORD)

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