[graphic-forms-cvs] r83 - in trunk: etc src/tests/uitoolkit src/uitoolkit/graphics src/uitoolkit/system

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Thu Mar 30 05:35:09 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
New Revision: 83

   trunk/etc/font-test.doc   (contents, props changed)
implemented font selection into graphics contexts; changed data->font to take gc param in anticipation of printer support

Added: trunk/etc/font-test.doc
Binary file. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp
--- trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -272,9 +272,34 @@
   (setf (draw-func-of *drawing-dispatcher*) #'draw-rects)
   (gfw:redraw *drawing-win*))
+(defun draw-a-string (gc pnt face-name pt-size style)
+  (let* ((font (make-instance 'gfg:font :gc gc
+                                        :data (gfg:make-font-data :face-name face-name
+                                                                  :style style
+                                                                  :point-size pt-size)))
+         (metrics (gfg:metrics gc font)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          (setf (gfg:font gc) font)
+          (gfg:draw-text gc face-name pnt)
+          (gfs:make-point :x (gfs:point-x pnt) :y (+ (gfs:point-y pnt) (gfg:height metrics))))
+      (gfs:dispose font))))
 (defun draw-strings (gc)
   (setf (gfg:foreground-color gc) gfg:*color-blue*)
-  (gfg:draw-text gc "This is a placeholder." (gfs:make-point)))
+  (let ((pnt (gfs:make-point :x 2 :y 0)))  
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 10 nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 18 '(:strikeout)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 10 nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 18 '(:strikeout)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 10 nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 18 '(:strikeout)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 10 nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 18 '(:strikeout)))))
 (defun select-text (disp item time rect)
   (declare (ignore disp time rect))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font-data.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font-data.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font-data.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     (return-from compute-font-pitch gfs::+variable-pitch+))
-(defun data->font (data)
+(defun data->font (hdc data)
   (let ((hfont (cffi:null-pointer))
         (style (font-data-style data)))
     (cffi:with-foreign-object (lf-ptr 'gfs::logfont)
@@ -61,7 +61,10 @@
                                  gfs::lfstrikeout gfs::lfcharset gfs::lfoutprec
                                  gfs::lfpitchandfamily gfs::lffacename)
                                 lf-ptr gfs::logfont)
-        (setf gfs::lfheight (- 0 (font-data-point-size data)))
+        (setf gfs::lfheight (- (floor (+ (/ (* (font-data-point-size data)
+                                               (gfs::get-device-caps hdc gfs::+logpixelsy+))
+                                            72)
+                                         0.5))))
         (setf gfs::lfweight (compute-font-weight style))
         (setf gfs::lfitalic (if (null (find :italic style)) 0 1))
         (setf gfs::lfunderline (if (null (find :underline style)) 0 1))
@@ -70,9 +73,9 @@
         (setf gfs::lfoutprec (compute-font-precis style))
         (setf gfs::lfpitchandfamily (compute-font-pitch style))
         (cffi:with-foreign-string (str (font-data-face-name data))
-          (gfs::strncpy (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer lf-ptr 'gfs::logfont 'gfs::lffacename)
-                        str
-                        (1- gfs::+lf-facesize+))))
+          (let ((lffacename-ptr (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer lf-ptr 'gfs::logfont 'gfs::lffacename)))
+            (gfs::strncpy lffacename-ptr str (1- gfs::+lf-facesize+))
+            (setf (cffi:mem-aref lffacename-ptr  :char (1- gfs::+lf-facesize+)) 0))))
       (setf hfont (gfs::create-font-indirect lf-ptr))
       (if (gfs:null-handle-p hfont)
         (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "create-font-indirect failed")))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/font.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -42,3 +42,6 @@
     (unless (gfs:null-handle-p hgdi)
       (gfs::delete-object hgdi)))
   (setf (slot-value fn 'gfs:handle) nil))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((font font) &key gc data &allow-other-keys)
+  (setf (slot-value font 'gfs:handle) (data->font (gfs:handle gc) data)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-classes.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-classes.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-classes.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     (blue 0))
   (defstruct font-data
-    (char-set 1) ; gfg:+default-charset+ (ie., the default for the machine)
+    (char-set 0)
     (face-name "")
     (point-size 10)
     (style nil))
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
   (defmacro height (metrics)
     `(+ (gfg::font-metrics-ascent ,metrics)
-        (gfg::font-metrics-descent ,metrics)
-        (gfg::font-metrics-leading ,metrics)))
+        (gfg::font-metrics-descent ,metrics)))
   (defmacro average-char-width (metrics)
     `(gfg::font-metrics-avg-char-width ,metrics))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -409,6 +409,11 @@
+(defmethod (setf font) ((font font) (self graphics-context))
+  (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
+    (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
+  (gfs::select-object (gfs:handle self) (gfs:handle font)))
 (defmethod foreground-color ((self graphics-context))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
@@ -430,6 +435,26 @@
   (gfs::set-graphics-mode (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gm-advanced+)
   (update-pen-for-gc self))
+(defmethod metrics ((self graphics-context) (font font))
+  (if (or (gfs:disposed-p self) (gfs:disposed-p font))
+    (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
+  (let ((hdc (gfs:handle self))
+        (hfont (gfs:handle font))
+        (metrics nil))
+    (gfs::with-hfont-selected (hdc hfont)
+      (cffi:with-foreign-object (tm-ptr 'gfs::textmetrics)
+        (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::tmascent gfs::tmdescent gfs::tmexternalleading
+                                   gfs::tmavgcharwidth gfs::tmmaxcharwidth)
+                                  tm-ptr gfs::textmetrics)
+          (if (zerop (gfs::get-text-metrics hdc tm-ptr))
+            (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "get-text-metrics failed"))
+          (setf metrics (make-font-metrics :ascent gfs::tmascent
+                                           :descent gfs::tmdescent
+                                           :leading gfs::tmexternalleading
+                                           :avg-char-width gfs::tmavgcharwidth
+                                           :max-char-width gfs::tmmaxcharwidth)))))
+    metrics))
 (defmethod (setf pen-style) :around (style (self graphics-context))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -123,9 +123,6 @@
 (defgeneric draw-text (self text pnt)
   (:documentation "Draws the given string in the current font and foreground color, with (x, y) being the top-left coordinate of a bounding box for the string."))
-(defgeneric fill-rule (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer specifying the current fill rule."))
 (defgeneric font (self)
   (:documentation "Returns the current font."))
@@ -159,8 +156,8 @@
 (defgeneric matrix (self)
   (:documentation "Returns a matrix that represents the transformation or other computation represented by the object."))
-(defgeneric metrics (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a metrics object describing key attributes of the specified object."))
+(defgeneric metrics (self font)
+  (:documentation "Returns a metrics object describing key attributes of the specified font."))
 (defgeneric multiply (self other)
   (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the result of multiplying the original with the other parameter."))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/magick-core-api.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/magick-core-api.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/magick-core-api.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@
         (error 'gfs:toolkit-error :detail "could not allocate Magick ImageInfo object"))
           (cffi:with-foreign-string (str ,path)
-            (gfs::strncpy (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer ,info 'magick-image-info 'filename)
-                          str
-                          (1- +magick-max-text-extent+))
-            , at body))
+            (let ((filename-ptr (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer ,info 'magick-image-info 'filename)))
+              (gfs::strncpy filename-ptr str (1- +magick-max-text-extent+))
+              (setf (cffi:mem-aref filename-ptr :char (1- +magick-max-text-extent+)) 0))
+            , at body)
         (destroy-image-info ,info)
-        (destroy-exception-info ,ex))))
+        (destroy-exception-info ,ex)))))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -202,6 +202,12 @@
   (hdc HANDLE))
+  ("GetDeviceCaps" get-device-caps)
+  INT
+  (hdc HANDLE)
+  (index INT))
   ("GetDIBits" get-di-bits)
   (hdc HANDLE)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -792,3 +792,47 @@
 (defconstant +default-pitch+                    0)
 (defconstant +fixed-pitch+                      1)
 (defconstant +variable-pitch+                   2)
+;;; device parameters for get-device-caps
+(defconstant +driverversion+                    0)
+(defconstant +technology+                       2)
+(defconstant +horzsize+                         4)
+(defconstant +vertsize+                         6)
+(defconstant +horzres+                          8)
+(defconstant +vertres+                         10)
+(defconstant +bitspixel+                       12)
+(defconstant +planes+                          14)
+(defconstant +numbrushes+                      16)
+(defconstant +numpens+                         18)
+(defconstant +nummarkers+                      20)
+(defconstant +numfonts+                        22)
+(defconstant +numcolors+                       24)
+(defconstant +pdevicesize+                     26)
+(defconstant +curvecaps+                       28)
+(defconstant +linecaps+                        30)
+(defconstant +polygonalcaps+                   32)
+(defconstant +textcaps+                        34)
+(defconstant +clipcaps+                        36)
+(defconstant +rastercaps+                      38)
+(defconstant +aspectx+                         40)
+(defconstant +aspecty+                         42)
+(defconstant +aspectxy+                        44)
+(defconstant +logpixelsx+                      88)
+(defconstant +logpixelsy+                      90)
+(defconstant +sizepalette+                    104)
+(defconstant +numreserved+                    106)
+(defconstant +colorres+                       108)
+(defconstant +physicalwidth+                  110)
+(defconstant +physicalheight+                 111)
+(defconstant +physicaloffsetx+                112)
+(defconstant +physicaloffsety+                113)
+(defconstant +scalingfactorx+                 114)
+(defconstant +scalingfactory+                 115)
+(defconstant +vrefresh+                       116)
+(defconstant +desktopvertres+                 117)
+(defconstant +desktophorzres+                 118)
+(defconstant +bltalignment+                   119)
+(defconstant +shadeblendcaps+                 120)
+(defconstant +colormgmtcaps+                  121)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	Thu Mar 30 00:35:00 2006
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
   (lfescapement LONG)
   (lforientation LONG)
   (lfweight LONG)
-  (lfitalic LONG)
-  (lfunderline LONG)
-  (lfstrikeout LONG)
-  (lfcharset LONG)
-  (lfoutprec LONG)
-  (lfclipprec LONG)
-  (lfquality LONG)
-  (lfpitchandfamily LONG)
+  (lfitalic BYTE)
+  (lfunderline BYTE)
+  (lfstrikeout BYTE)
+  (lfcharset BYTE)
+  (lfoutprec BYTE)
+  (lfclipprec BYTE)
+  (lfquality BYTE)
+  (lfpitchandfamily BYTE)
   (lffacename TCHAR :count 32)) ; LF_FACESIZE is 32
 (defcstruct menuinfo

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