[flexi-streams-devel] simple bug in in-memory-streams, affects hunchentoot. fix included

Red Daly reddaly at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 01:13:07 UTC 2007


I have been quietly using Hunchentoot for a while.  when I 
asdf-installed the latest version of it, I got an error that traced down 
the latest flexi-streams.

make-in-memory-input-stream was changed to use keyword arguments instead 
of  optional arguments, which broke the macro with-input-from-sequence.  
Here is a fixed version:

(defmacro with-input-from-sequence ((var sequence &key start end 
                                    &body body)
  "Creates an IN-MEMORY input stream from SEQUENCE using the
parameters START and END, binds VAR to this stream and then
executes the code in BODY.  A function TRANSFORMER may optionally
be specified to transform the returned octets.  The stream is
automatically closed on exit from WITH-INPUT-FROM-SEQUENCE, no
matter whether the exit is normal or abnormal.  The return value
of this macro is the return value of BODY."
  (with-rebinding (sequence)
    `(let (,var)

             (setq ,var (make-in-memory-input-stream ,sequence
                                                     :start (or ,start 0)
                                                     :end (or ,end 
(length ,sequence))
             , at body)
         (when ,var (close ,var))))))

I didn't see anything else affected.  i've also attached a diff

red daly
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