[elephant-devel] Querying for objects on two slots

Ian Eslick eslick at media.mit.edu
Wed Jan 14 19:30:23 UTC 2009

Thanks Alex,

I think a toolkit/wrapper around the current model of derived indices  
where you can define a derived index with a function where that  
function is parameterized by the slots it indexes and a specification  
of the maximum size of that slot, etc would be easy to include as an  

The interface could perhaps be executed by methods that are defined  
either generically (via strings or bignums, for example) or on a per- 
store basis that overrides the default representation for efficiency.

If I can see a quick way to do this I'll add it as a small optional  
toolkit for 1.0.


On Jan 14, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Alex Mizrahi wrote:

> IE> Alex, what would the issues be for the postmodern backend?
> IE>   Could we use a behind the scenes convert-to-string strategy so  
> we had
> IE> a common API for indexing on tuples?
> doing it in "proper way" (sorting on multiple columns) will be quite  
> hard
> in postmodern, as it means complicating cursor stuff even further.
> as least i don't know how to do this anyhow easy.
> so if you know how to do this converting everything to strings and  
> sorting
> them (if i understand you correctly),
> it would be much better. does it need any support from backend or it  
> should
> work totally transparently?
> p.s.  i've fixed the nasty upgrade-btree issue for postmodern, now i'm
> reviewing stuff, testing
> and fixing leftover small issues, so i hope soon postmodern would be
> "ready".
> by the way, my email killerstorm at newmail.ru went down few days ago,  
> so if
> anybody wants to communicate with me it would be better to use
> alex.mizrahi at gmail.com
> address instead.
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