[elephant-devel] ClozureCL Intel 64 bit problem

Wesley Kerr wkerr at cs.arizona.edu
Tue Nov 18 03:57:27 UTC 2008

I've been reading through the archives and back in June Patrick had a
problem installing onto a 64 bit PPC machine with ClozureCL.  At one
point he was getting some errors that looked similar to this:

Undefined function #:G6340 called with arguments (#<A Foreign Pointer
                                                  #<A Null Foreign
                                                  #<A Foreign Pointer
                                                  #<A Foreign Pointer
                                                  #<A Foreign Pointer
[stack-allocated] #xB0502E60> ..)
   [Condition of type CCL::UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-CALL]

Ian mentioned that he would contact the developers of ClozureCL and
see if they could help debug the problem since it was unclear what was
causing it.  I'm now getting these errors on a 64bit intel and I'm not
sure where to even begin.  I'm using BDB 4.5 and my configuration file

;; OSX Defaults
#+(and (or sbcl allegro openmcl lispworks) (not (or mswindows windows
win32)) (or macosx darwin))
((:compiler . :gcc)
 (:berkeley-db-version . "4.5")
 (:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include/")
 (:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/")
 (:berkeley-db-lib . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/libdb-4.5.dylib")
 (:berkeley-db-cachesize . 20971520)
 (:berkeley-db-max-locks . 2000)
 (:berkeley-db-max-objects . 2000)
 (:berkeley-db-map-degree2 . t)
 (:clsql-lib-paths . nil)
 (:prebuilt-libraries . nil))

I have built BDB 4.5 for 64 bit mac and used darcs to get the unstable
version of elephant.  Any thoughts for how to get me going?  Patrick
moved away from the problem by switching to SBCL, but that isn't an
option for our lab.


Wes Kerr
University of Arizona

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