[elephant-devel] String class index broken?

Ian Eslick eslick at csail.mit.edu
Wed Sep 5 02:22:57 UTC 2007

I found the bug, it's an optimization left in the BDB cursor code  
that would work with exact key matches but fails on non-exact matches  
due to the way I implemented map-index.

Here's the patch to src/db-bdb/bdb-collections.lisp

<             (values t key (deserialize val sc)
 >             (values t
 >                     (progn (buffer-read-oid k)
 >                            (deserialize k sc))
 >                     (deserialize val sc)

I'll promote it to the 0.9p1 tree (CVS HEAD) after I investigate  
other functions for these screw cases and add some test cases as well.


On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:34 PM, Chris Laux wrote:

>> (defclass test-class ()
>    ((test :initarg :test :accessor test :index t))
>    (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))

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