[elephant-devel] String class index broken?

Chris Laux chris at terraminds.com
Tue Sep 4 08:15:22 UTC 2007

Hi all,

as I couldn't find information about the strange behaviour shown below
elsewhere, I just wanted to report it here. I'm indexing class "user"
over slot "nick" that contains strings. When I query the index using all
lowercase letters, I get an ambiguous (and wrong!?) response, but when I
stick to the original casing, it works as expected (and documented?).

This isn't actually going to stop me from being able to use Elephant,
but I thought it worth reporting.


Chris Laux

> (get-instances-by-value 'user 'nick "openhaus")
(#<USER oid:50833> #<USER oid:16625>)

> (mapcar #'nick *)
("OpenHaus" "OpenLate")

> (get-instances-by-value 'user 'nick "OpenHaus")
(#<USER oid:50833>)

> (mapcar #'nick *)

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