[eclipse-devel] Ping and a question about modifier keys

Iban HATCHONDO hatchond at yahoo.fr
Tue Nov 28 20:32:48 UTC 2006

Committed in revision 1.9 of lib/clx-ext/keysyms.lisp
Thanks Ralf.

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Iban HATCHONDO <hatchond at yahoo.fr>
À : rm at seid-online.de; eclipse-wm <eclipse-devel at common-lisp.net>
Envoyé le : Mardi, 28 Novembre 2006, 10h28mn 47s
Objet : Re : [eclipse-devel] Ping and a question about modifier keys

Hi all,

thanks for comming back on this thread,
At the time Xavier has posted his question, I didn't realize we were having a bug in keyboard::make-modifier-mask-table and were missing a point with X keyboard handling.

Can you please try the following (it seems to be working on my side.)

in lib/clx-ext/keysyms.lisp

replace definition of make-modifier-mask-table for the following one:

(defun make-modifier-mask-table (disp)
   (loop with map = '(:any #x8000)
            with keysyms-per-keycode = (array-dimension (xlib:keyboard-mapping disp) 1)
            for mods in (multiple-value-list (xlib:modifier-mapping disp))
            for i = 1 then (* 2 i) do
            (loop for mod in mods
                     for key-name = (modcode->keyname disp mod keysyms-per-keycode)
                     for prec = (getf map key-name) do
                    (setf (getf map key-name) (logior (if (numberp prec) prec 0) i)))
            finally (return map)))

and add this new function:

(defun modcode->keyname (disp keycode keysyms-per-keycode)
   "Returns the keyword that named the specified modifier keycode."
   ;; This has been created to deal with X keyboard wierd mapping.
   ;; For some reasons, for few keys the first keysym in the list, 
   ;; modifiers keysym in particular, does not exists. So lets try
   ;; to resolve it anyway looking further in the array.
   (loop for i from 0 below keysyms-per-keycode
            for keysym = (xlib:keycode->keysym disp keycode i)
            when (> keysym 0) do (return (keysym->keyname keysym))))

For info, here is now the content of  kb::*modifier->modifier-mask*

 :ANY 32768)


----- Message d'origine ----
De : Ralf Mattes <rm at seid-online.de>
À : eclipse-wm <eclipse-devel at common-lisp.net>
Envoyé le : Lundi, 27 Novembre 2006, 16h21mn 08s
Objet : [eclipse-devel] Ping and a question about modifier keys

Hello list, 
        looking at the archives i'm not shure anybody listens :-/
        I'd like to pick up a thread started by Xavier Maillard last
         I try to use my 'Microsoft'-Key as the main key to interact
        with eclipse.
        That key is known it X as the Super_L key (according to xev). I
        tried to 
        create bindings like this:
              (define-key-combo :switch-screen-left
                  :keys '(:LEFT)
                  :modifiers '(:SUPER-LEFT))
         but eclipse refuses to acccept the modifier. The same happens
        when i
         asign META to the MS-Key.
         Looking at *modifier->modifier-mask* i get:
         EWMI> kb::*modifier->modifier-mask*
        (:ISO-LEVEL3-SHIFT 256 
         :MODE-SWITCH 128
         :NUM-LOCK 16
          NIL 144 
         :ALT-LEFT 8
         :CONTROL-LEFT 4 
         :CONTROL-RIGHT 4 
         :CAPS-LOCK 4 
         :SHIFT-RIGHT 1 
         :SHIFT-LEFT 1
         :ANY 32768)
        with both META and SUPER_L missing. Any ideas?
         Cheers, Ralf Mattes
eclipse-devel site list
eclipse-devel at common-lisp.net


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