[eclipse-devel] [Fwd: .o files of themes]

Christian Lynbech christian.lynbech at ericsson.com
Tue Nov 11 09:56:58 UTC 2003

I was a bit confused because installation works fine for me, but I
seemed to remember this problem, so I have digged a bit.

The function

    (defun compile-theme (directory-name)
      (let ((i-filespec (merge-pathnames "theme.lisp" directory-name))
            (o-filespec (merge-pathnames "theme.o")))
        (operate-on-system :eclipse :load)
        (load i-filespec)
        (compile-file i-filespec :output-file o-filespec)))

works, at least on CMUCL, because here `compile-file' will resolve the
pathname of :output-file in the directory of `i-filespec'. In fact,
just doing the fix suggested by Robert leads to the build failing on
CMUCL with the error:

    ; Loading #p"/n/knud/export/home/tedchly/init.lisp".
    ; Loading #p"/n/knud/export/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/eclipse/system.lisp".
    ; Loading #p"/n/knud/export/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/eclipse/themes/microGUI/theme.lisp".

    Error in function OPEN:
       Error creating #p"themes/microGUI/themes/microGUI/theme.o", path does not exist.

So I guess we need something like this:

    (defun compile-theme (directory-name)
      (let ((i-filespec (merge-pathnames "theme.lisp" directory-name))
            (o-filespec (merge-pathnames "theme.o" #-CMU directory-name)))
        (operate-on-system :eclipse :load)
        (load i-filespec)
        (compile-file i-filespec :output-file o-filespec)))

Christian Lynbech       | christian #\@ defun #\. dk
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)

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