Problem with focusing (:on-click) when changing vscreens.

Iban Hatchondo hatchond at
Wed Mar 26 06:44:00 UTC 2003

Erik Enge wrote:

[ ... ]
> Using the latest CVS version:
> The problem goes away if I click with my mouse in the newly created
> xterm window before leaving virtual-screen two; upon returning, this
> xterm is now focused and all is as expected.
> The solution might lay in `change-vscreen` (widgets.lisp) but I'm unable
> to see it.  Perhaps someone else would be able to shed some light on
> this?

It seems the problem comes as you suspect from the keystroke :statr-xterm.
Apparently, it interfere with the focus-in event we receive next.
As you said we could fix this by calling restack-window in 
change-vscreen, but it
may point out a deeper problem. So I would try another solution, but I 
am not completely sure. Could try to replace the
(event-process ((event keyboard-event) (root root)) ..) in input.lisp by

(defmethod event-process ((event keyboard-event) (root root))
   (with-slots (code state) event
     (let ((callback (lookup-keystroke code state)))
       (when callback
	(xlib:allow-events *display* :async-keyboard)
	(funcall callback event)))))

Note the allow-events that now appear. It should fix our problem, but
I think it should also be more correct that way (in case this interfere 
with more than what we though).


> Footnotes: 

> [2]  I use a custom keystroke for this too:
> ;; Application shortcuts
> (define-key-combo :start-xterm
>     :keys '(:x)
>     :modifiers '(:and :alt-left :control-left)
>     :fun (action (:press (%run-program% "xterm" '())) ()))

(defmethod event-process ((event keyboard-event) (root root))
   (with-slots (code state) event
     (let ((callback (lookup-keystroke code state)))
       (when callback
	(xlib:allow-events *display* :async-keyboard)
	(funcall callback event)))))

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