patches for eclipse building

Christian Lynbech christian at
Mon Mar 24 12:04:01 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Iban" == Iban Hatchondo <hatchond at> writes:

Iban> - In, in the install clause:

Iban> 	if test ! -x ${bindir}/`basename ${LISP}` ; then	\
Iban> 	    $(install) ${LISP} ${bindir} ;			\
Iban> 	fi

Iban> what will happend if user did not dump an eclipse lisp image, and he
Iban> upgrade his lisp system ?

You are right. I think we should move that clause up into the
${usecore} if-block above such that saving of lisp program only is
active when `usecore' is active.
Iban> The question is: why didn't you add this file in the eclipse-system
Iban> defined in system.lisp ? That way, we shouldn't have compilation
Iban> warnings, and load-eclipse should not anymore have to load that file
Iban> explicitly.

An oversight on my part, I think. There are so many warnings that I am
not trying to monitor them closely, but this we should fix especially
since it seems easy.

Christian Lynbech       | email:  christian at 
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at (Michael A. Petonic)

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