Try loading ~/.eclipse/custom.lisp before ~/.eclipse

Christian Lynbech christian at
Sun Mar 2 08:14:00 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Enge <erik at> writes:

Erik> I'd like to have my ~/.eclipse load other files and having them all in
Erik> one directory would help a lot.  I use ~/.xemacs/custom.el too.

It is a neat feature, but there would probably be many more sensible
ways of organising the startup files than we want to code up inside

How about making the default config file name be a configuration
option and perhaps adding a switch to the `eclipse' script that allows
a per-session specification to be made?

I think I could code that up pretty easily (but lets agree on how to
do it first :-)

Christian Lynbech       | email:  christian at 
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at (Michael A. Petonic)

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