suggesstions for eclipse build process

Christian Lynbech christian at
Mon Feb 10 08:51:02 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Iban" == Iban Hatchondo <hatchond at> writes:

>> In `system.lisp' I have changed the require from :clx to :cmucl-clx as
>> the CLX package is named on a debian system. If :clx is widely used as
>> well, it probably should remain as it is.

Iban> Maybe we should ask Peter Van Eynde <pvaneynd at> for this
Iban> distinction. On my system, cmucl comes from, and CLX appears
Iban> as :CLX in *features*

I have a new suggestion. The following form should do the right

  #-COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER (unless (featurep :clx) (require :clx))
  #+COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER (unless (featurep :cmucl-clx) (require :cmucl-clx))
  #-MK-DEFSYSTEM (load "library:subsystems/defsystem"))

If COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER is on *features* we can be pretty sure that
we are on a Debian system and then I think we should default to the
supplied CLX package. Anybody sophisticated enough to replace the CLX
package will know how to add a suitable `provide' somewhere or be able
to fix *features* accordingly.

Christian Lynbech       | email: christian at
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at (Michael A. Petonic)

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