[Eclipse-cvs] CVS eclipse

ihatchondo ihatchondo at common-lisp.net
Mon May 7 13:22:50 UTC 2007

Update of /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26719

Modified Files:
	misc.lisp widgets.lisp input.lisp 
Log Message:
- configure-window when configuring panel window should honor size without guessing anything (misc.lisp).
- map-request race condition (input.lisp & widget.lisp)
Added: - application-panel-p predicate (widget.lisp)

--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/misc.lisp	2007/05/07 00:19:10	1.38
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/misc.lisp	2007/05/07 13:22:50	1.39
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ECLIPSE-INTERNALS -*-
-;;; $Id: misc.lisp,v 1.38 2007/05/07 00:19:10 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: misc.lisp,v 1.39 2007/05/07 13:22:50 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; This file is part of Eclipse.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2002 Iban HATCHONDO
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
       ;; update sizes.
       (when (or width height)
 	(with-event-mask ((or parent win))
-          (when application
+          (when (and application (not (application-panel-p application)))
             ;; ensure width or height are compatible with wm-size-hints.
             (let* ((prop (netwm:net-wm-state win))
                    (horz-p (member :_net_wm_state_maximized_horz prop))
--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/widgets.lisp	2007/05/04 08:26:14	1.47
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/widgets.lisp	2007/05/07 13:22:50	1.48
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ECLIPSE-INTERNALS -*-
-;;; $Id: widgets.lisp,v 1.47 2007/05/04 08:26:14 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: widgets.lisp,v 1.48 2007/05/07 13:22:50 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; ECLIPSE. The Common Lisp Window Manager.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Iban HATCHONDO
@@ -274,6 +274,10 @@
       (setf (window-priority (if master (widget-window master) window) desk-w)
 	    (if desk-w :above :below)))))
+(defun application-panel-p (application)
+  "Returns t if application is a panel (e.g: _net_wm_window_type_dock)."
+  (member :_net_wm_window_type_dock (application-type application)))
 (defun fullscreenable-p (application) 
   (with-slots (window) application
     (let ((hint (ignore-errors (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))))
@@ -443,7 +447,8 @@
     (if master
 	(multiple-value-bind (x y)
 	    (xlib:translate-coordinates window 0 0 *root-window*)
-	  (xlib:reparent-window window *root-window* x y))
+	  (xlib:reparent-window window *root-window* x y)
+          (event-process (make-event :destroy-notify) master))
         (event-process (make-event :destroy-notify :window window) *root*))
     (when state
       (setf (wm-state window) state)
--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/input.lisp	2007/05/07 00:23:05	1.46
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/input.lisp	2007/05/07 13:22:50	1.47
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ECLIPSE-INTERNALS -*-
-;;; $Id: input.lisp,v 1.46 2007/05/07 00:23:05 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: input.lisp,v 1.47 2007/05/07 13:22:50 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; ECLIPSE. The Common Lisp Window Manager.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Iban HATCHONDO
@@ -27,6 +27,30 @@
 ;; Most general methods.
+(defmethod event-process ((event map-request) null-widget)
+  ;; When a client has requested to withdraw its top-level and wants then
+  ;; to map it back so quickly that we haven't got honored yet its withdrawal
+  ;; demand, this event is in fact send to the wrong parent and should be re
+  ;; directed to the real parent of the client top-level.
+  ;; The events schema is: 
+  ;;   1 -> map-request => procede-decoration
+  ;;   2 -> unmap-notify => unmap master
+  ;;   3 -> synthetic unmap-notify => undecore-application
+  ;;   4 -> map-request 
+  ;; What happen is that the client ask for mapping its top-level (4) after 
+  ;; sending the synthetic unmap-notify (3), but WE have not handled it yet
+  ;; (otherwise said undecore-application has not been called). So Xserver 
+  ;; generates a map-request event for the known parent: US ! But as soon
+  ;; as undecore-application will occurred we won't be the parent anymore
+  ;; and this event should rather have been sent to the real parent 
+  ;; (aka the root window).
+  (with-slots (window (candidat event-window)) event
+    (multiple-value-bind (children parent) (xlib:query-tree window)
+      (declare (ignore children))
+      (unless (xlib:window-equal candidat parent)
+        (xlib:send-event parent :map-request
+            '(:substructure-redirect) :window window :event-window parent)))))
 (defmethod event-process ((event mapping-notify) null-widget)
   (declare (ignorable null-widget))
   (with-slots (request start count) event
@@ -217,30 +241,7 @@
 ;;; Events for master (type: decoration)
 (defmethod event-process ((event map-request) (master decoration))
-  ;; When a client has requested to withdraw its top-level and wants then
-  ;; to map it back so quickly that we haven't got honored yet its withdrawal
-  ;; demand, this event is in fact send to the wrong parent and should be re
-  ;; directed to the real parent of the client top-level.
-  ;; The events schema is: 
-  ;;   1 -> map-request => procede-decoration
-  ;;   2 -> unmap-notify => unmap master
-  ;;   3 -> synthetic unmap-notify => undecore-application
-  ;;   4 -> map-request 
-  ;; What happen is that the client ask for mapping its top-level (4) after 
-  ;; sending the synthetic unmap-notify (3), but WE have not handled it yet
-  ;; (otherwise said undecore-application has not been called). So Xserver 
-  ;; generates a map-request event for the known parent: US ! But as soon
-  ;; as undecore-application will occurred we won't be the parent anymore
-  ;; and this event should rather have been sent to the real parent 
-  ;; (aka the root window).
-  (with-slots (window (parent event-window)) event
-    (multiple-value-bind (children real-parent) (xlib:query-tree window)
-      (declare (ignore children))
-      (if (xlib:window-equal parent real-parent)
-          (xlib:map-window (event-window event))
-          (xlib:send-event real-parent :map-request
-              '(:substructure-redirect)
-              :window window :event-window real-parent)))))
+  (xlib:map-window (event-window event)))
 (defmethod event-process ((event configure-notify) (master decoration))
   (with-slots ((master-window event-window) (app-window window)) event

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