[climacs-devel] c-syntax and java syntax / list motion commands

Taylor R Campbell campbell at mumble.net
Mon Jun 4 14:34:20 UTC 2007

   Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:45:22 +0100
   From: Christophe Rhodes <csr21 at cantab.net>

   I get a lot of forward-list method redefinition warnings from loading
   climacs at the moment; is that intentional?  At a guess, it comes from
   (drei-motion:define-motion-fns list) in c-syntax and java-syntax.

That code in c-syntax.lisp and java-syntax.lisp looks slightly
confused.  Drei already defines the motion functions for lists, in
mcclim/Drei/motion.lisp -- it both defines the basic FORWARD-ONE-* and
BACKWARD-ONE-* generics, and has DEFINE-MOTION-FNS for LIST.  I think
it would be safe to completely omit (DEFGENERIC FORWARD-ONE-LIST #),
LIST), from c-syntax.lisp and java-syntax.lisp.

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