[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Sat May 20 19:21:26 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv5854

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Cleaned the indentation functions for reader-conditionals and slightly
optimized a redisplay funtion to make fewer generic function calls.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/05/19 11:09:11	1.75
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/05/20 19:21:26	1.76
@@ -916,8 +916,9 @@
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reader conditionals
 ;;; parse trees
-(defclass reader-conditional-positive-form (form) ())
-(defclass reader-conditional-negative-form (form) ())
+(defclass reader-conditional-form (form) ())
+(defclass reader-conditional-positive-form (reader-conditional-form) ())
+(defclass reader-conditional-negative-form (reader-conditional-form) ())
 (define-parser-state |#+ | (form-may-follow) ())
 (define-parser-state |#+ form | (form-may-follow) ())
@@ -1428,13 +1429,17 @@
 (defmethod display-parse-tree :around (parse-symbol syntax pane)
   (with-slots (top bot) pane
      (when (and (start-offset parse-symbol) 
-		(mark< (start-offset parse-symbol) bot)
-		(mark> (end-offset parse-symbol) top))
+                (mark< (start-offset parse-symbol) bot)
+                (mark> (end-offset parse-symbol) top))
 (defmethod display-parse-tree (parse-symbol syntax pane)
-  (loop for child in (children parse-symbol)
-     do (display-parse-tree child syntax pane)))
+  (with-slots (top bot) pane
+    (loop for child in (children parse-symbol)
+       when (and (start-offset child) 
+                 (mark< (start-offset child) bot)
+                 (mark> (end-offset child) top))
+       do (display-parse-tree child syntax pane))))
 (defmethod display-parse-tree ((parse-symbol error-symbol) (syntax lisp-syntax) pane)
   (let ((children (children parse-symbol)))
@@ -2147,6 +2152,8 @@
 ;;; indentation
+(defgeneric indent-form (syntax tree path))
 (defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree form*) path)
   (cond ((or (null path)
 	     (and (null (cdr path)) (zerop (car path))))
@@ -2158,24 +2165,12 @@
 (defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree string-form) path)
   (values (form-toplevel tree syntax) 0))
-;; FIXME: The next two methods are basically identical to the above definition, 
-;; something should be done about this duplication.
-(defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree reader-conditional-positive-form) path)
-  (cond ((or (null path)
-	     (and (null (cdr path)) (zerop (car path))))
-	 (values tree 0))
-	((null (cdr path))
-	 (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) (1- (car path))) 0))
-	(t (indent-form syntax (elt-noncomment (children tree) (car path)) (cdr path)))))
-(defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree reader-conditional-negative-form) path)
+(defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree reader-conditional-form) path)
   (cond ((or (null path)
 	     (and (null (cdr path)) (zerop (car path))))
 	 (values tree 0))
 	((null (cdr path))
-	 (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) (1- (car path))) 0))
-	(t (indent-form syntax (elt-noncomment (children tree) (car path)) (cdr path)))))
+	 (values (first-form (children tree)) 0))))
 (defmethod indent-form ((syntax lisp-syntax) (tree list-form) path)
   (if (= (car path) 1)

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