[climacs-cvs] CVS esa

crhodes crhodes at common-lisp.net
Wed May 10 09:52:05 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31073

Modified Files:
	esa.asd esa.lisp packages.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
New command parser.  

Make it the default for frames running esa-top-level.

Use the prompt argument to esa-top-level to determing 
com-extended-command's prompt.

export esa:esa-command-parser and esa:esa-partial-command-parser.

rewrite some other bits of the top-level loop to use the partial command 
parser where appropriate.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.asd	2006/05/10 09:38:57	1.4
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.asd	2006/05/10 09:52:05	1.5
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
                (:file "colors" :depends-on ("packages"))
                (:file "esa" :depends-on ("colors" "packages"))
                (:file "esa-buffer" :depends-on ("packages" "esa"))
-               (:file "esa-io" :depends-on ("packages" "esa"))))
+               (:file "esa-io" :depends-on ("packages" "esa"))
+               (:file "esa-command-parser" :depends-on ("packages" "esa"))))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.lisp	2006/05/10 09:41:42	1.14
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.lisp	2006/05/10 09:52:05	1.15
@@ -440,6 +440,12 @@
                     (setf command (list command)))
                   (setf command (substitute-numeric-argument-marker command numarg))
                   (setf command (substitute-numeric-argument-p command numargp))
+                  (when (member *unsupplied-argument-marker* command :test #'eq)
+                    (setq command
+                          (funcall
+                           *partial-command-parser*
+                           (frame-command-table frame) 
+                           (frame-standard-input frame) command 0)))
                   (execute-frame-command frame command)
                (t nil))))))
@@ -449,10 +455,10 @@
      (let ((command (command-menu-item-value object)))
        (unless (listp command)
          (setq command (list command)))       
-       (when (and (typep (frame-standard-input frame) 'interactor-pane)
-                  (member *unsupplied-argument-marker* command :test #'eq))
+       (when (member *unsupplied-argument-marker* command :test #'eq)
          (setq command
-               (command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command
+               (funcall 
+                *partial-command-parser*
                 (frame-command-table frame) (frame-standard-input frame) 
                 command 0)))
        (execute-frame-command frame command)))))
@@ -467,6 +473,8 @@
   ;; FIXME: I'm not sure that we want to do this for commands sent
   ;; from other threads; we almost certainly don't want to do it twice
   ;; in such cases...
+  ;;
+  ;; FIXME: also, um, throwing away the arguments is likely to be bad.
   (setf (previous-command (car (windows frame)))
 	(if (consp command)
 	    (car command)
@@ -486,15 +494,26 @@
 ;;; Top level
+(defvar *extended-command-prompt*)
 (defun esa-top-level (frame &key
-			    command-parser command-unparser
-			    partial-command-parser prompt)
-  (declare (ignore command-parser command-unparser partial-command-parser prompt))
+                      (command-parser 'esa-command-parser)
+                      ;; FIXME: maybe customize this?  Under what
+                      ;; circumstances would it be used?  Maybe try
+                      ;; turning the clim listener into an ESA?
+                      (command-unparser 'command-line-command-unparser)
+                      (partial-command-parser 'esa-partial-command-parser)
+                      (prompt "Extended Command: "))
+  (declare (ignore prompt))
   (with-slots (windows) frame
     (let ((*standard-output* (car windows))
 	  (*standard-input* (frame-standard-input frame))
 	  (*print-pretty* nil)
 	  (*abort-gestures* `((:keyboard #\g ,(make-modifier-state :control))))
+          (*command-parser* command-parser)
+          (*command-unparser* command-unparser)
+          (*partial-command-parser* partial-command-parser)
+          (*extended-command-prompt* prompt)
            (frame-pointer-documentation-output frame)))
       (unless (eq (frame-state frame) :enabled)
@@ -632,23 +651,25 @@
 (set-key 'com-quit 'global-esa-table '((#\x :control) (#\c :control)))
 (define-command (com-extended-command
+                 ;; FIXME: I don't think it makes any sense for
+                 ;; Extended Command to be named.
 		 :name t
 		 :command-table global-esa-table)
   "Prompt for a command name and arguments, then run it."
   (let ((item (handler-case
-	       (accept
-		`(command :command-table ,(find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
-		:prompt "Extended Command")
-	       ((or command-not-accessible command-not-present) ()
-                 (beep)
+                  (accept
+                   `(command :command-table ,(find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
+                   ;; this gets erased immediately anyway
+                   :prompt "" :prompt-mode :raw)
+                ((or command-not-accessible command-not-present) ()
+                  (beep)
                  (display-message "No such command")
                  (return-from com-extended-command nil)))))
     (execute-frame-command *application-frame* item)))
 (set-key 'com-extended-command 'global-esa-table '((#\x :meta)))
 ;;; Help
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/packages.lisp	2006/05/02 18:01:49	1.3
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/packages.lisp	2006/05/10 09:52:05	1.4
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
-           #:find-applicable-command-table))
+           #:find-applicable-command-table
+           #:esa-command-parser
+           #:esa-partial-command-parser))
 (defpackage :esa-buffer
   (:use :clim-lisp :clim :esa)

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa-command-parser.lisp	2006/05/10 09:52:05	NONE
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa-command-parser.lisp	2006/05/10 09:52:05	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ESA -*-

;;;  (c) copyright 2006 by
;;;           Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes at gold.ac.uk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

(in-package :esa)

(defun esa-parse-one-arg (stream name ptype accept-args 
                          &optional (default *unsupplied-argument-marker*))
  (declare (ignore name))
  ;; this conditional doesn't feel entirely happy.  The issue is that
  ;; we could be called either recursively from an outer call to
  ;; (accept 'command), in which case we want our inner accept to
  ;; occur on the minibuffer stream not the input-editing-stream, or
  ;; from the toplevel when handed a partial command.  Maybe the
  ;; toplevel should establish an input editing context for partial
  ;; commands anyway?  Then ESA-PARSE-ONE-ARG would always be called
  ;; with an input-editing-stream.
  (let ((stream (if (encapsulating-stream-p stream)
                    (encapsulating-stream-stream stream)
    (apply #'accept (eval ptype)
           :stream stream
            (unless (eq default *unsupplied-argument-marker*)
              ;; adjust to taste.
              `(:default ,default :insert-default nil :display-default t))
            ;; This is fucking nuts.  FIXME: the clim spec says
            ;; ":GESTURE is not evaluated at all".  Um, but how are
            ;; you meant to tell if a keyword argument is :GESTURE,
            ;; then?  The following does not actually allow variable
            ;; keys: anyone who writes (DEFINE-COMMAND FOO ((BAR
            ;; 'PATHNAME *RANDOM-ARG* ""))) and expects it to work
            ;; deserves to lose.
            ;; FIXME: this will do the wrong thing on malformed accept
            ;; arguments, such improper lists or those with an odd
            ;; number of keyword arguments.  I doubt that
            ;; DEFINE-COMMAND is checking the syntax, so we probably
            ;; should.
            (loop for (key val) on accept-args by #'cddr
                  unless (eq key :gesture)
                  collect key and collect (eval val))))))

(defun esa-command-parser (command-table stream)
  (let ((command-name nil))
    (flet ((maybe-clear-input ()
             (let ((gesture (read-gesture :stream stream 
                                          :peek-p t :timeout 0)))
               (when (and gesture (or (delimiter-gesture-p gesture)
                                      (activation-gesture-p gesture)))
                 (read-gesture :stream stream)))))
      (with-delimiter-gestures (*command-name-delimiters* :override t)
        ;; While reading the command name we want use the history of
        ;; the (accept 'command ...) that's calling this function.
        ;; FIXME: does this :history nil actually achieve the above?
        (setq command-name (accept `(command-name :command-table ,command-table)
                                   :stream (encapsulating-stream-stream stream)
                                   :prompt *extended-command-prompt*
                                   :prompt-mode :raw :history nil))
      (with-delimiter-gestures (*command-argument-delimiters* :override t)
        ;; FIXME, except we can't: use of CLIM-INTERNALS.
        (let* ((info (gethash command-name climi::*command-parser-table*))
               (required-args (climi::required-args info))
               (keyword-args (climi::keyword-args info)))
          (declare (ignore keyword-args))
          (let (result)
            ;; only required args for now.
            (dolist (arg required-args (cons command-name (nreverse result)))
              (destructuring-bind (name ptype &rest args) arg
                (push (esa-parse-one-arg stream name ptype args) result)

(defun esa-partial-command-parser (command-table stream command position)
  (declare (ignore command-table position))
  (let ((command-name (car command))
	(command-args (cdr command)))
    (flet ((maybe-clear-input ()
             (let ((gesture (read-gesture :stream stream 
                                          :peek-p t :timeout 0)))
               (when (and gesture (or (delimiter-gesture-p gesture)
                                      (activation-gesture-p gesture)))
                 (read-gesture :stream stream)))))
      (with-delimiter-gestures (*command-argument-delimiters* :override t)
        ;; FIXME, except we can't: use of CLIM-INTERNALS.
        (let* ((info (gethash command-name climi::*command-parser-table*))
               (required-args (climi::required-args info))
               (keyword-args (climi::keyword-args info)))
          ;; keyword arguments not yet supported
          (declare (ignore keyword-args))
          (let (result)
            ;; only required args for now.
            (do ((required-args required-args (cdr required-args))
                 (arg (car required-args) (car required-args))
                 (command-args command-args (cdr command-args))
                 (command-arg (car command-args) (car command-args)))
                ((null required-args) (cons command-name (nreverse result)))
              (destructuring-bind (name ptype &rest args) arg
                (push (esa-parse-one-arg stream name ptype args command-arg) 

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