[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 27 19:55:27 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv23284

Modified Files:
	misc-commands.lisp lisp-syntax.lisp lisp-syntax-commands.lisp 
Log Message:
* Changed `form-around' to also select forms with a start or end
  offset at mark.

* Cleaned the symbol-completion code a bit.

* Added Indent Line And Complete Symbol command to Lisp syntax (bound to Tab).

* Changed default binding of Newline to Newline And Indent in Lisp syntax.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/07/27 10:39:32	1.20
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/07/27 19:55:26	1.21
@@ -251,9 +251,12 @@
 	 '((#\i :control)))
 (define-command (com-newline-and-indent :name t :command-table indent-table) ()
+  "Inserts a newline and indents the new line."
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
 	 (point (point pane)))
     (insert-object point #\Newline)
+    (update-syntax (current-buffer)
+                   (syntax (current-buffer)))
     (indent-current-line pane point)))
 (set-key 'com-newline-and-indent
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/07/25 11:38:05	1.100
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/07/27 19:55:27	1.101
@@ -1672,9 +1672,10 @@
   (with-slots (top bot) pane
     (loop for child in (children parse-symbol)
        when (and (start-offset child) 
-                 (mark< (start-offset child) bot)
                  (mark> (end-offset child) top))
-       do (display-parse-tree child syntax pane))))
+         do (if (mark< (start-offset child) bot)
+                (display-parse-tree child syntax pane)
+                (return)))))
 (defmethod display-parse-tree ((parse-symbol error-symbol) (syntax lisp-syntax) pane)
   (let ((children (children parse-symbol)))
@@ -1953,7 +1954,9 @@
 (defun form-around-in-children (children offset)
   (loop for child in children
 	if (typep child 'form)
-	do (cond ((<= (start-offset child) offset (end-offset child))
+	do (cond ((or (<= (start-offset child) offset (end-offset child))
+                      (= offset (end-offset child))
+                      (= offset (start-offset child)))
 		  (return (if (null (first-form (children child)))
 			      (when (typep child 'form)
@@ -1967,8 +1970,8 @@
 (defun form-around (syntax offset)
   (with-slots (stack-top) syntax
     (if (or (null (start-offset stack-top))
-	    (>= offset (end-offset stack-top))
-	    (<= offset (start-offset stack-top)))
+	    (> offset (end-offset stack-top))
+	    (< offset (start-offset stack-top)))
 	(form-around-in-children (children stack-top) offset))))
@@ -3832,8 +3835,6 @@
 ;;; Symbol completion
-(defvar *completion-pane* nil)
 (defun relevant-keywords (arglist arg-indices)
   "Return a list of the keyword arguments that it would make
   sense to use at the position `arg-indices' relative to the
@@ -3936,20 +3937,22 @@
                  (transpose-lists (mapcar #'cdr lists))))))
 (defun clear-completions ()
-  (when *completion-pane*
-    (delete-window *completion-pane*)
-    (setf *completion-pane* nil)))
+  (let ((completions-pane
+         (find "Completions" (esa:windows *application-frame*)
+               :key #'pane-name
+               :test #'string=)))
+    (unless (null completions-pane)
+     (delete-window completions-pane)
+     (setf completions-pane nil))))
-(defun show-completions-by-fn (fn symbol package)
+(defun find-completion-by-fn (fn symbol package)
   (esa:display-message (format nil "~a completions" symbol))
   (let* ((result (funcall fn symbol (package-name package)))
          (set (first result))
          (longest (second result)))
     (cond ((<=(length set) 1)
-          (t (let ((stream (or *completion-pane*
-                               (typeout-window "Simple Completions"))))
-               (setf *completion-pane* stream)
+          (t (let ((stream (typeout-window "Completions")))
                (window-clear stream)
                (format stream "~{~A~%~}" set))))
        (if (not (null longest))
@@ -3957,9 +3960,9 @@
            (esa:display-message "No completions found"))
-(defun show-completions (syntax token package)
+(defun find-completion (syntax token package)
   (let ((symbol-name (token-string syntax token)))
-    (show-completions-by-fn
+    (find-completion-by-fn
      #'(lambda (&rest args)
          (find-if #'identity
@@ -3974,19 +3977,47 @@
                   :key #'first))
      symbol-name package)))
-(defun show-fuzzy-completions (syntax symbol-name package)
-  (esa:display-message (format nil "~a completions" symbol-name))
-  (let* ((set (fuzzy-completions (get-usable-image syntax) symbol-name package 10))
-         (best (caar set)))
-    (cond ((<= (length set) 1)
-           (clear-completions))
-          (t (let ((stream (or *completion-pane*
-                               (typeout-window "Simple Completions"))))
-               (setf *completion-pane* stream)
-               (window-clear stream)
-               (loop for completed-string in set
-                  do (format stream "~{~A  ~}~%" completed-string)))))
-    (esa:display-message (if (not (null best))
-                             (format nil "Best is ~a|" best)
-                             "No fuzzy completions found"))        
-    best))
+(defun find-fuzzy-completion (syntax token package)
+  (let ((symbol-name (token-string syntax token)))
+   (esa:display-message (format nil "~a completions" symbol-name))
+   (let* ((set (fuzzy-completions (get-usable-image syntax) symbol-name package 10))
+          (best (caar set)))
+     (cond ((<= (length set) 1)
+            (clear-completions))
+           (t (let ((stream (typeout-window "Completions")))
+                (window-clear stream)
+                (loop for completed-string in set
+                   do (format stream "~{~A  ~}~%" completed-string)))))
+     (esa:display-message (if (not (null best))
+                              (format nil "Best is ~a|" best)
+                              "No fuzzy completions found"))        
+     best)))
+(defun complete-symbol-at-mark-with-fn (syntax mark &optional (fn #'find-completion))
+  "Attempt to find and complete the symbol at `mark' using the
+  function `fn' to get the list of completions. If the completion
+  is ambiguous, a list of possible completions will be
+  displayed. If no symbol can be found at `mark', return nil."
+  (let ((token (form-around syntax (offset mark))))
+    (when (and (not (null token))
+               (typep token 'complete-token-lexeme)
+               (not (= (start-offset token)
+                       (offset mark))))
+      (with-syntax-package syntax mark (package)
+        (let ((completion (funcall fn syntax token package)))
+          (unless (= (length completion) 0)
+            (replace-symbol-at-mark mark syntax completion))))
+      t)))
+(defun complete-symbol-at-mark (syntax mark)
+  "Attempt to find and complete the symbol at `mark'. If the
+  completion is ambiguous, a list of possible completions will be
+  displayed. If no symbol can be found at `mark', return nil."
+  (complete-symbol-at-mark-with-fn syntax mark))
+(defun fuzzily-complete-symbol-at-mark (syntax mark)
+  "Attempt to find and complete the symbol at `mark' using fuzzy
+  completion. If the completion is ambiguous, a list of possible
+  completions will be displayed. If no symbol can be found at
+  `mark', return nil."
+  (complete-symbol-at-mark-with-fn syntax mark #'find-fuzzy-completion))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax-commands.lisp	2006/07/24 13:24:40	1.12
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax-commands.lisp	2006/07/27 19:55:27	1.13
@@ -253,14 +253,8 @@
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
          (buffer (buffer pane))
          (syntax (syntax buffer))
-         (mark (point pane))
-	 (token (symbol-at-mark mark
-                                syntax)))
-    (when token
-      (with-syntax-package syntax mark (package)
-        (let ((completion (show-completions syntax token package)))
-          (unless (= (length completion) 0)
-            (replace-symbol-at-mark mark syntax completion)))))))
+         (mark (point pane)))
+    (complete-symbol-at-mark syntax mark)))
 (define-command (com-fuzzily-complete-symbol :name t :command-table lisp-table) ()
   "Attempt to fuzzily complete the abbreviation at mark.
@@ -271,14 +265,24 @@
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
          (buffer (buffer pane))
          (syntax (syntax buffer))
-         (mark (mark pane))
-	 (name (symbol-name-at-mark mark
-				    syntax)))
-    (when name
-      (with-syntax-package syntax mark (package)
-        (let ((completion (show-fuzzy-completions syntax name package)))
-          (unless (= (length completion) 0)
-            (replace-symbol-at-mark mark syntax completion)))))))
+         (mark (point pane)))
+    (fuzzily-complete-symbol-at-mark syntax mark)))
+(define-command (com-indent-line-and-complete-symbol :name t :command-table lisp-table) ()
+  "Indents the current line and performs symbol completion.
+First indents the line.  If the line was already indented,
+completes the symbol.  If there's no symbol at the point, shows
+the arglist for the most recently enclosed operator."
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+         (point (point pane))
+         (old-offset (offset point)))
+    (indent-current-line pane point)
+    (when (= old-offset
+             (offset point))
+      (let* ((buffer (buffer pane))
+             (syntax (syntax buffer)))
+        (or (complete-symbol-at-mark syntax point)
+            (show-arglist-for-form-at-mark point syntax))))))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator lookup-symbol-arglist
     (symbol com-lookup-arglist lisp-table
@@ -366,11 +370,11 @@
 	     '((#\c :control) (#\k :control)))
-(esa:set-key  'com-compile-file
-	      'lisp-table
-	      '((#\c :control) (#\k :meta)))
+(esa:set-key 'com-compile-file
+             'lisp-table
+             '((#\c :control) (#\k :meta)))
-(esa:set-key `(com-edit-this-definition)
+(esa:set-key 'com-edit-this-definition
              '((#\. :meta)))
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@
               '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\h)))
-(esa:set-key `(com-lookup-arglist-for-this-symbol)
+(esa:set-key 'com-lookup-arglist-for-this-symbol
              '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\a)))
@@ -398,3 +402,10 @@
 	     '((#\c :control) (#\i :meta)))
+(esa:set-key 'com-indent-line-and-complete-symbol
+             'lisp-table
+             '((#\Tab)))
+(esa:set-key 'climacs-commands::com-newline-and-indent
+             'lisp-table
+             '(#\Newline))
\ No newline at end of file

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