[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Sun Jul 2 15:43:48 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26319

Modified Files:
	misc-commands.lisp editing-commands.lisp 
Log Message:
Moved the Kill Line command into editing-commands.lisp.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/06/12 19:10:58	1.15
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/07/02 15:43:48	1.16
@@ -150,53 +150,6 @@
 	 '((#\o :control)))
-(defun kill-line (mark &optional (count 1) (whole-lines-p nil) (concatenate-p nil))
-  (let ((start (offset mark)))
-    (cond ((= 0 count)
-	   (beginning-of-line mark))
-	  ((< count 0)
-	   (loop repeat (- count)
-		 until (beginning-of-buffer-p mark)
-		 do (beginning-of-line mark)
-		 until (beginning-of-buffer-p mark)
-		 do (backward-object mark)))
-	  ((or whole-lines-p (> count 1))
-	   (loop repeat count
-		 until (end-of-buffer-p mark)
-		 do (end-of-line mark)
-		 until (end-of-buffer-p mark)
-		 do (forward-object mark)))
-	  (t
-	   (cond ((end-of-buffer-p mark) nil)
-		 ((end-of-line-p mark) (forward-object mark))
-		 (t (end-of-line mark)))))
-    (unless (mark= mark start)
-      (if concatenate-p
-	  (kill-ring-concatenating-push *kill-ring*
-					(region-to-sequence start mark))
-	  (kill-ring-standard-push *kill-ring*
-				   (region-to-sequence start mark)))
-      (delete-region start mark))))
-(define-command (com-kill-line :name t :command-table deletion-table)
-    ((numarg 'integer :prompt "Kill how many lines?")
-     (numargp 'boolean :prompt "Kill entire lines?"))
-  "Kill the objects on the current line after point.
-When at the end of a line, kill the #\\Newline. 
-With a numeric argument of 0, kill the objects on the current line before point.
-With a non-zero numeric argument, kill that many lines forward (backward, 
-if negative) from point.
-Successive kills append to the kill ring."
-  (let* ((pane (current-window))
-	 (point (point pane))
-         (concatenate-p (eq (previous-command pane) 'com-kill-line)))
-    (kill-line point numarg numargp concatenate-p)))	   
-(set-key `(com-kill-line ,*numeric-argument-marker* ,*numeric-argument-p*)
-	 'deletion-table
-	 '((#\k :control)))
 (defmacro define-mark-unit-command (unit command-table &key
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/editing-commands.lisp	2006/06/12 19:10:58	1.1
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/editing-commands.lisp	2006/07/02 15:43:48	1.2
@@ -195,13 +195,57 @@
 			       (region-to-sequence mark point)))
   (delete-region mark point)))
+;; We require somewhat special behavior from Kill Line, so define a
+;; new function and use that to implement the Kill Line command.
+(defun user-kill-line (mark &optional (count 1) (whole-lines-p nil) (concatenate-p nil))
+  (let ((start (offset mark)))
+    (cond ((= 0 count)
+	   (beginning-of-line mark))
+	  ((< count 0)
+	   (loop repeat (- count)
+              until (beginning-of-buffer-p mark)
+              do (beginning-of-line mark)
+              until (beginning-of-buffer-p mark)
+              do (backward-object mark)))
+	  ((or whole-lines-p (> count 1))
+	   (loop repeat count
+              until (end-of-buffer-p mark)
+              do (end-of-line mark)
+              until (end-of-buffer-p mark)
+              do (forward-object mark)))
+	  (t
+	   (cond ((end-of-buffer-p mark) nil)
+		 ((end-of-line-p mark) (forward-object mark))
+		 (t (end-of-line mark)))))
+    (unless (mark= mark start)
+      (if concatenate-p
+	  (kill-ring-concatenating-push *kill-ring*
+					(region-to-sequence start mark))
+	  (kill-ring-standard-push *kill-ring*
+				   (region-to-sequence start mark)))
+      (delete-region start mark))))
+(define-command (com-kill-line :name t :command-table deletion-table)
+    ((numarg 'integer :prompt "Kill how many lines?")
+     (numargp 'boolean :prompt "Kill entire lines?"))
+  "Kill the objects on the current line after point.
+When at the end of a line, kill the #\\Newline. 
+With a numeric argument of 0, kill the objects on the current line before point.
+With a non-zero numeric argument, kill that many lines forward (backward, 
+if negative) from point.
+Successive kills append to the kill ring."
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (point (point pane))
+         (concatenate-p (eq (previous-command pane) 'com-kill-line)))
+    (user-kill-line point numarg numargp concatenate-p)))
 ;;; Autogenerate commands
 (define-deletion-commands word deletion-table)
 (define-editing-commands word editing-table)
-(define-deletion-commands line deletion-table)
 (define-editing-commands line editing-table)
 (define-deletion-commands definition deletion-table)
 (define-editing-commands definition editing-table)
@@ -247,3 +291,6 @@
 	 '((#\t :control)))
+(set-key `(com-kill-line ,*numeric-argument-marker* ,*numeric-argument-p*)
+	 'deletion-table
+	 '((#\k :control)))
\ No newline at end of file

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