"Component :CLFSWM not found" in load.lisp.

Michaël Cadilhac michael at cadilhac.name
Tue Dec 3 23:01:15 UTC 2013

Hi there everyone;

Compilation of CLFSWM fails with the error in the Subject.  I tried
installing it through the AUR on Arch Linux, with the latest sbcl
available, though the AUR is not to be blamed as the same error
appears when compiling from source.

To my very small understanding, it is ASDF who fails to find
clfswm.asd.  In any cases, this is solved by adding "." to the ASDF's
search path with, e.g.:

      (push "./" asdf:*central-registry*)

I'm really not sure which package should be fixed, if any, hence the
report here might not really concern CLFSWM, in which case, sorry for
the noise.

Happy hacking,

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