[clfswm-devel] Some news: new Exposé mode, new toolbar system.

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sun Aug 19 21:13:48 UTC 2012

Valentin Plechinger writes:

> I gave it a quick try, works good so far.
Ah, good. Thanks for the feedback.

> What's bugging me is that I can't add or remove toolbars on the run.
> Especially for testing purposes this would be useful.
I have made some more work in the last commit (9161892).
Here is how to do what you want (not only for testing if you want):

(let ((toolbar nil))
  (defun create-my-toolbar ()
    "Create a new toolbar"
    (setf toolbar (add-toolbar 0 0 :vert 70 'middle-right-root-placement
                               '((clfswm-menu 1) (label 50)
                                 (clickable-clock 99))))
    (open-toolbar toolbar))

  (defun remove-my-toolbar ()
    "Close my new toolbar"
    (remove-toolbar toolbar)))

(defun my-toolbar-keybinding ()
  (define-second-key ("F2") 'create-my-toolbar)
  (define-second-key ("F2" :control) 'remove-my-toolbar))

(add-hook *binding-hook* 'my-toolbar-keybinding)

Please, if you can, test intensively. This is young code.



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