[clfswm-devel] Let's go for the next CLFSWM version

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 24 21:14:15 UTC 2008

Hi all,

As I said in the last mail, I've done a lot of rework on CLFSWM to
change its internal structure. Now the code is much simple and there
is no more needs for the pager.

If you look at the code and want to walk throw the group tree, don't
crash your head on a recurcif algorithm. You can simply use the
with-all-* macros. Here are some examples:

;; Walk throw all childs
(with-all-childs (*root-group* child)
  (typecase child
    (xlib:window (print (xlib:wm-name child)))
    (group (print (group-number child)))))

;; Walk throw all groups
(with-all-group (*root-group* group)
  (print (group-number group)))

;; Walk throw all windows
(with-all-windows (*root-group* window)
  (print (wm-name xlib:window)))

;; Walk throw all childs - First form is applied on windows and the
;; second on groups
(with-all-groups-windows (*root-group* child)
  (print (xlib:wm-name child))
  (print (group-number child)))

Also there is less keybinding, just press 'm' in the second mode to
open a menu.

All is not already there (like pack, resize, the mouse...) but I use
this version already so there is nothing that prevent to have it in
the CVS.


Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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