[clfswm-devel] Problem with revision 74

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Apr 12 20:18:27 UTC 2008

Xavier Maillard writes:

> Hi,

> I was browsing the Internet and I saw you updated something
> related to my recent problems. Thank you.
Yes, but it's not only your problem: for example I'd like to grab the
"1" key on an azerty keyboard without the need of an extra shift key.

> Now Typing M-t ! just works, err, partially. Actually it prompts
> me for a command to enter and then, it throws an error:
> ;; Loading file /home/xma/etc/clfswm/clfswmrc ...
> ;; Loaded file /home/xma/etc/clfswm/clfswmrc
> DEBUG[1 - dbg]  *DISPLAY*=#<XLIB:DISPLAY localhost:1 (The X.Org Foundation R10300000) X11.0 #x204A6406>   
> *** - XLIB:GRAB-KEY: :ANY is not of type XLIB:CARD8
> Break 1 [1]> 
> What I did is simply
> 1. M-t !
> 2. xterm RET
Ah, too bad :(

Well first, what is your lisp implementation, your clx implementation,
your distribution (maybe I can test directly with it)?

I've no problem with clisp/mit-clx, sbcl and cmucl. I haven't test yet
the clisp/new-clx version.

Second thing, the only reference of grab-key is in xlib-util.lisp in
grab-all-keys. Which of the two :any cause the problem?
To determine this, you can change the modifiers with an explicit list:

(defun grab-all-keys (window)
  (ungrab-all-keys window)
  (dolist (modifiers '(:control :mod-1 :shift))
    (xlib:grab-key window :any
		   :modifiers (list modifiers)
		   :owner-p nil
		   :sync-pointer-p nil
		   :sync-keyboard-p t)))

Do you have again the problem?

Thanks for your feedback.



Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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