[cl-who-devel] onclick

Haris Bogdanovich fbogdanovic at xnet.hr
Mon Apr 9 22:38:01 UTC 2012


Why  doesn't this piece of code work:

(defpackage test (:use :cl :hunchentoot :cl-who :parenscript))
(in-package test)

(defun index ()
  (with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil)
      (:p "click me" :onclick (ps (alert "hello")))))))

(push (create-prefix-dispatcher "/index" 'index) *dispatch-table*)

(start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor))

I loaded Edi's init file for Lispworks and I can't even autocomplete :onclick ?
When I click on "click me" nothing happens ?


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