[cl-who-devel] Changing *attribute-quote-char*

Jens Teich info at jensteich.de
Tue Aug 12 23:01:39 UTC 2008

Andrei Stebakov schrieb:
> It should work, I am quite baffled that it doesn't...
> It's Ubuntu with sbcl 1.0.18, cl-who 0.11.0
> What's funny is that even when I set it to #\" globally and evaluate it 
> in the lisp, it's not enough for hunchentoot to pick it up.
> I have to evaluate it in the lisp image + put the   (setf 
> *attribute-quote-char* #\") in the body of the hunchentoot handler!
> I tried to put the cl-who prefix to the variable, but it doesn't make 
> any difference.
> Andrew

Ah, with SBCL 1.0.15 I see the same:

WHO> (let ((*attribute-quote-char* #\"))
   (with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue nil 
:indent nil)
       (:title "title")
       (:meta :name "DESCRIPTION" :content "description")
       (:meta :name "KEYWORDS" :content "keywords")))))
"<html><head><title>title</title><meta name='DESCRIPTION' 
content='description' /><meta name='KEYWORDS' content='keywords' 

Unfortunately Edi is on vacation ...


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