[cl-typesetting-devel] hyphenation

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr
Sat May 27 21:43:07 UTC 2006

This is a follow-up on the previous bug report about my faulty
implementation of the TeX hyphenation algorithm.

I have now tested the attached version against a list of 500 French
words and the result is ok on all of them. I have added the
left-hyphen-min and right-hyphen-min bounds to suppress hyphenation
points occuring too close from start or from end of the word. These
bounds exist in latex.

I have added also the hyphen-hyphenate-string taken from a previous
cl-typesetting implementation, but I wonder if this function couldn't be
made simpler. Basically, the hyphen-show-hyphens function does more or
less the same. Any idea?

Best regards,
Fabrice Popineau
e-mail:       Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr  |  The difference between theory 
voice-mail:   +33 (0) 387764715            |  and practice, is that
surface-mail: Supelec, 2 rue E. Belin,     |  theoretically,
	      F-57070 Metz 	           |  there is no difference !

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