[cl-typesetting-devel] How to make some text flush left andsomeflush right?

Peter Seibel peter at gigamonkeys.com
Thu Jul 20 18:09:43 UTC 2006

On Jul 20, 2006, at 10:59 AM, Marc Battyani wrote:

> hbox is not normally not meant to be used at a user level so you  
> should use a paragraph in the header too.
> You probably want to use :fill as h-align value in addition to  
> the :hfill where you want the separation.

Okay, almost there. Now I've got this:

   (draw-pages content
	      :size :Letter
	      :margins '(72 72 72 72) ; left top  right bottom
	      :header-top 36
	      :footer-bottom 36
	      :header #'(lambda (page)
			  (declare (ignore page))
			  (compile-text (:font "Times-Italic" :font-size 10)
			    (paragraph (:h-align :fill)
			      (put-string (get-contextual-variable 'chapter-name))
			      (put-string (format nil "Page ~d of ~d"
						  (find-ref-point-page-number :the-end))))))
	      :footer (compile-text (:font "Times-Italic" :font-size 10)
			(paragraph (:h-align :fill)
			   (format nil "Copyright ~c ~a" +copyright+ *copyright*))
			  (put-string (date-string)))))

The only problem is that there are weird bits of inter-string space.  
(See attached PDF.) For instance the "Gigamonkeys Markup" on the left  
side of the header is rendered like "Gi ga monkeys Markup" and the  
date in the footer has an inordinate amount of space between the  
month and the year. Advice?


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Peter Seibel           * peter at gigamonkeys.com
Gigamonkeys Consulting * http://www.gigamonkeys.com/
Practical Common Lisp  * http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/

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