[cl-typesetting-devel] Tables repeat.

Erik Enge erik at nittin.net
Mon May 17 13:59:43 UTC 2004

Funny thing is happening.  I'm using draw-page

(defun draw-page (content &key (width *letter-width*) (height 
   (let ((x 0)
         (y height)
         (dx width)
         (dy height))
     (loop while (typeset::boxes content) do
           (pdf:with-page ()
               (pdf:translate x y)
               (let ((box (typeset::make-filled-vbox content dx dy)))
                 (when box
                   (typeset::stroke box 0 0))))))))

to make my document.  It's basically a few paragraphs at top and then 
big table (four or five pages long).  Here's what's happening: the 
is only three pages long and page 1 is repeated on page 3 (minus the
paragraph parts; only the table is repeated) and then the document ends.

Anything I can do to debug this?  I'm using the :splittable-p 1 :inline 
arguments to the table operator as suggested.



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