[cl-soap-cvs] CVS update: cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp cl-soap/src/soap.lisp cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp

Sven Van Caekenberghe scaekenberghe at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 5 13:24:40 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cl-soap/cvsroot/cl-soap/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1749/src

Modified Files:
	http-client.lisp soap.lisp wsdl.lisp xsd.lisp 
Log Message:
added some code to handle non 200 http responses

Date: Wed Oct  5 15:24:38 2005
Author: scaekenberghe

Index: cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp
diff -u cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp:1.6 cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp:1.7
--- cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp:1.6	Mon Sep 26 13:08:42 2005
+++ cl-soap/src/http-client.lisp	Wed Oct  5 15:24:38 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: http-client.lisp,v 1.6 2005/09/26 11:08:42 scaekenberghe Exp $
+;;;; $Id: http-client.lisp,v 1.7 2005/10/05 13:24:38 scaekenberghe Exp $
 ;;;; A basic HTTP client, somewhat API compatible with portableaserve's do-http-request
 ;;;; Copied from another project (basic authorization support removed)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
-  "Execute an HTTP request"
+  "Execute an HTTP request, returns (values body code headers uri kept-alive-p)"
   (declare (ignore proxy))
   (assert (member method '(:get :put :post :delete :head)))
   (setf uri (puri:parse-uri uri))

Index: cl-soap/src/soap.lisp
diff -u cl-soap/src/soap.lisp:1.9 cl-soap/src/soap.lisp:1.10
--- cl-soap/src/soap.lisp:1.9	Mon Oct  3 11:40:35 2005
+++ cl-soap/src/soap.lisp	Wed Oct  5 15:24:38 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: soap.lisp,v 1.9 2005/10/03 09:40:35 scaekenberghe Exp $
+;;;; $Id: soap.lisp,v 1.10 2005/10/05 13:24:38 scaekenberghe Exp $
 ;;;; The basic SOAP protocol
@@ -110,28 +110,30 @@
     (when *debug-stream*
       (setf *last-soap-call-xml* call-soap-envelope)
       (format *debug-stream* ";; SOAP CALL sending: ~a~%" call-xml))
-    (setf result-xml (do-http-request (get-url server-end-point)
-                                      :method :POST
-                                      :headers `(("SOAPAction" . ,(or soap-action "")))
-                                      :content-type "text/xml"
-                                      :content call-xml))
-    (when *debug-stream*
-      (format *debug-stream* ";; SOAP CALL receiving: ~a~%" result-xml))
-    (setf result-soap-envelope (s-xml:parse-xml-string result-xml))
-    (when *debug-stream*
-      (setf *last-soap-result-xml* result-soap-envelope))
-    (if (eql (lxml-get-tag result-soap-envelope) 'soapenv:|Envelope|)
-        (let ((headers (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Header| (rest result-soap-envelope)))
-              (body (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Body| (rest result-soap-envelope))))
-          ;; simply return header key/value pairs as an alist
-          (setf headers (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list (lxml-get-tag x) (lxml-get-contents x))) (rest headers)))
-          ;; only the first child of the body is returned, unless it is a fault
-          (if body
-              (let ((fault (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Fault| (rest body))))
-                (if fault
-                    (error (lxml->standard-soap-fault fault))
-                  (values (second body) headers)))
-            (error "No body found in SOAP Envelope")))
-      (error "No SOAP Envelope found"))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (result code)
+        (do-http-request (get-url server-end-point)
+                         :method :POST
+                         :headers `(("SOAPAction" . ,(or soap-action "")))
+                         :content-type "text/xml"
+                         :content call-xml)
+      (declare (ignore code))
+      (when *debug-stream*
+        (format *debug-stream* ";; SOAP CALL receiving: ~a~%" result-xml))
+      (setf result-soap-envelope (s-xml:parse-xml-string result-xml))
+      (when *debug-stream*
+        (setf *last-soap-result-xml* result-soap-envelope))
+      (if (eql (lxml-get-tag result-soap-envelope) 'soapenv:|Envelope|)
+          (let ((headers (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Header| (rest result-soap-envelope)))
+                (body (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Body| (rest result-soap-envelope))))
+            ;; simply return header key/value pairs as an alist
+            (setf headers (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list (lxml-get-tag x) (lxml-get-contents x))) (rest headers)))
+            ;; only the first child of the body is returned, unless it is a fault
+            (if body
+                (let ((fault (lxml-find-tag 'soapenv:|Fault| (rest body))))
+                  (if fault
+                      (error (lxml->standard-soap-fault fault))
+                    (values (second body) headers)))
+              (error "No body found in SOAP Envelope")))
+        (error "No SOAP Envelope found")))))
 ;;;; eof

Index: cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp
diff -u cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp:1.21 cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp:1.22
--- cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp:1.21	Mon Oct  3 11:40:35 2005
+++ cl-soap/src/wsdl.lisp	Wed Oct  5 15:24:38 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: wsdl.lisp,v 1.21 2005/10/03 09:40:35 scaekenberghe Exp $
+;;;; $Id: wsdl.lisp,v 1.22 2005/10/05 13:24:38 scaekenberghe Exp $
 ;;;; The basic WSDL protocol: we parse the generic and soap specific parts
@@ -297,9 +297,12 @@
     (parse-wsdl in)))
 (defun parse-wsdl-url (url)
-  (let ((buffer (do-http-request url)))
-    (with-input-from-string (in buffer)
-      (parse-wsdl in))))
+  (multiple-value-bind (buffer code)
+      (do-http-request url)
+    (if (eql code 200)
+        (with-input-from-string (in buffer)
+          (parse-wsdl in))
+      (error "Could not retrieve URL ~s, got a ~s code" url code))))
 ;; A simple caching mechanism for WSDL's by URL

Index: cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp
diff -u cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp:1.24 cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp:1.25
--- cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp:1.24	Mon Oct  3 14:24:10 2005
+++ cl-soap/src/xsd.lisp	Wed Oct  5 15:24:38 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: xsd.lisp,v 1.24 2005/10/03 12:24:10 scaekenberghe Exp $
+;;;; $Id: xsd.lisp,v 1.25 2005/10/05 13:24:38 scaekenberghe Exp $
 ;;;; A partial implementation of the XML Schema Definition standard
@@ -149,9 +149,12 @@
     (parse-xsd in)))
 (defun parse-xsd-url (url)
-  (let ((buffer (do-http-request url)))
-    (with-input-from-string (in buffer)
-      (parse-xsd in))))
+  (multiple-value-bind (buffer code)
+      (do-http-request url)
+    (if (eql code 200)
+        (with-input-from-string (in buffer)
+          (parse-xsd in))
+      (error "Could not retrieve URL ~s, got a ~s code" url code))))
 ;;; Interpreting the XSD model

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