[cl-pdf-devel] Patch to quiet warnings

Peter Seibel peter at gigamonkeys.com
Sat Apr 29 04:09:02 UTC 2006

I got tired of my life being cluttered up with warnings when I built  
cl-pdf so I fixed them. Here's the patch. Next up, silencing cl- 


Index: pdf.lisp
--- pdf.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ pdf.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
(defgeneric make-dictionary (thing &key &allow-other-keys))
-(defgeneric font-descriptor (font-metrics &key embed errorp))
(defclass dictionary ()
    ((dict-values :accessor dict-values :initform nil :initarg :dict- 
Index: defpackage.lisp
--- defpackage.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ defpackage.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -43,4 +43,10 @@
     #:load-t1-font #:load-ttu-font #:encoding #:get-encoding
     #:draw-bar-code128 #:*page-number*
     #:test-template #:make-template-from-page #:add-templates-to- 
page #:draw-template
+   ;; pdf-parser
+   #:insert-original-page-content
+   #:with-existing-document
+   #:with-existing-page
Index: ttu-font.lisp
--- ttu-font.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ ttu-font.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     (length1 :accessor length1)))
(defmethod font-type ((fm ttu-font-metrics))
-  (declare (ignore fm))
+  #-allegro(declare (ignore fm))
(defun load-ttu-font (ufm-file &optional ttf-file)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
(defmethod font-descriptor ((fm ttu-font-metrics)
			    &key (embed *embed-fonts*) (errorp t))
+  (declare (ignore errorp))
    (flet ((conv-dim (d) (round (* 1000 d))))
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
(defmethod make-dictionary
      ((fm ttu-font-metrics)
       &key font (encoding (encoding font)) (embed *embed-fonts*))
+  (declare (ignore encoding))
    (let* ((font-descriptor (font-descriptor fm :embed embed :errorp  
	 (cid-font (make-instance
Index: t1-font.lisp
--- t1-font.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ t1-font.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
(defmethod font-descriptor ((t1fm t1-font-metrics)
                              &key (embed *embed-fonts*) (errorp t))
+  (declare (ignore errorp))
    (flet ((conv-dim (d) (round (* 1000 d))))
      (make-instance 'indirect-object :content
        (make-instance 'dictionary  ;:obj-number 0 :no-link t
Index: chart.lisp
--- chart.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ chart.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
    (height axis))
(defmethod draw-object (obj)
-  )
+  (declare (ignore obj)))
(defun nice-number (n approx integer-p)
    (let* ((n10 (expt 10 (floor (log n 10))))
@@ -303,14 +303,14 @@
		for bx from gx by group-width do
		(loop for y = 0.0 then (+ y dy)
		      for value in values
-		      for (name color) in (labels&colors obj)
+		      for (nil color) in (labels&colors obj)
		      for dy = (* value scale) do
		      (apply #'set-rgb-fill color)
		      (basic-rect bx y bar-width dy)
	  (loop for serie in (series obj)
		for gx from (* 0.5 spacing) by bar-width
-		for (name color) in (labels&colors obj) do
+		for (nil color) in (labels&colors obj) do
		(apply #'set-rgb-fill color)
		(loop for value in serie
		      for dy = (* (- value min-value) scale)
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
        (apply #'set-rgb-fill (background-color obj))
        (loop for angle in angles
-	    for (name color) in (labels&colors obj)
+	    for (nil color) in (labels&colors obj)
	    for start = 0 then end
	    for end = (+ start angle) do
	    (apply #'set-rgb-fill color)
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
        (set-line-width (line-width obj))
        (loop for serie in (series obj)
-	    for (name color) in (labels&colors obj) do
+	    for (nil color) in (labels&colors obj) do
	   (apply #'set-rgb-stroke color)
	   (apply #'set-rgb-fill color)
	   (let ((points '())
Index: pdf-parser.lisp
--- pdf-parser.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ pdf-parser.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
(defun read-object (&optional (eof-error-p t))
    "Returns one of the following PDF objects: boolean (:true  
or :false),
number (Lisp number), string (Lisp string), name (Lisp symbol in the PDF
-package), array (Lisp vector), dictionary (Lisp property list), stream
-(Lisp pdf-stream) or null (Lisp NIL). When EOF-ERRORP is nil, it  
+package), array (Lisp vector), dictionary (Lisp property list),  
stream (Lisp
+pdf-stream) or null (Lisp NIL). When EOF-ERRORP is nil, it returns
:eof for the end of the stream (otherwise it signals an error)."
    (skip-whitespace eof-error-p)
    (let ((char (peek-char nil *pdf-input-stream* eof-error-p)))
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
                 (push (read-object t)
-    (loop for (k v . rest) on (nreverse plist) by #'cddr
+    (loop for (k v) on (nreverse plist) by #'cddr
            collect (cons k v))))
(defun read-dictionary ()
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@
    (file-position *pdf-input-stream* file-position)
    (let* ((object-number (read-integer))
           (generation-number (read-integer)))
+    (declare (ignore object-number generation-number))
      (eat-keyword "obj")
      (let ((object (read-object)))
        ;; Some producers forget the "endobj" at the end of a stream
@@ -426,6 +427,7 @@
(defun read-pdf ()
    (let* ((trailer (read-xref-and-trailer (find-cross-reference- 
	 (%visited-object% (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
+    (declare (ignore %visited-object%))
      (setf (catalog *document*) (get-dict-value trailer "/Root")
            (docinfo *document*) (get-dict-value trailer "/Info"))
@@ -456,8 +458,6 @@
    ;; restore graphics state
    (write-line " Q" *page-stream*))
-(export 'insert-original-page-content)
(defun ensure-dictionary (obj)
    (if (typep obj 'indirect-object)
        (content obj)
@@ -498,8 +498,6 @@
		   :title ,title :subject ,subject :keywords ,keywords)
      , at body))
-(export 'with-existing-document)
(defmacro with-existing-page ((page-number) &body body)
    `(let* ((*original-content* nil)
	  (*current-content* nil)
@@ -513,8 +511,6 @@
					    (get-output-stream-string pdf::*page-stream*)))
-(export 'with-existing-page)
(pdf:with-existing-document (#P"/tmp/MS-32.pdf")
Index: font.lisp
--- font.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ font.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
(defvar *compress-fonts* t "nil or decode filter designator")
+(defvar *font-metrics* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defgeneric font-descriptor (font-metrics &key embed errorp))
(defclass font ()
@@ -148,5 +150,3 @@
      (setf %fonts-loaded% t)))
-(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
-  (load-fonts))
Index: encodings.lisp
--- encodings.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ encodings.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -42,29 +42,8 @@
(defun get-encoding (encoding-designator)
    (gethash encoding-designator *encodings*))
-(defun compute-encoding-differences (encoding &optional (from  
-  (let ((differences (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
-	(range-started nil))
-    (if from
-	(flet ((start-range (code)
-		 (when (or (and code (not range-started))(and (not code) range- 
-		   (setf range-started code)
-		   (when code (vector-push-extend code differences)))))
-	  (loop with start-code = nil
-		for standard-char-name across (char-names from)
-		for char-name across (char-names encoding)
-		for code from 0
-		do
-		(cond
-		  ((and (not char-name) standard-char-name)
-		   (start-range code) (vector-push-extend ".notdef" differences))
-		  ((and char-name (not (equal char-name standard-char-name)))
-		   (start-range code)
-		   (vector-push-extend (add-/ char-name) differences))
-		  (t (start-range nil)))))
-	(full-encoding-differences encoding))
-	differences))
;;; Just put all...
(defun full-encoding-differences (encoding)
    (let ((differences (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
@@ -411,3 +390,26 @@
          "escyrillic" "tecyrillic" "ucyrillic" "efcyrillic"  
"khacyrillic" "tsecyrillic"
          "checyrillic" "shacyrillic" "shchacyrillic"  
"hardsigncyrillic" "yericyrillic"
          "softsigncyrillic" "ereversedcyrillic" "iucyrillic"  
+(defun compute-encoding-differences (encoding &optional (from  
+  (let ((differences (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
+	(range-started nil))
+    (if from
+	(flet ((start-range (code)
+		 (when (or (and code (not range-started))(and (not code) range- 
+		   (setf range-started code)
+		   (when code (vector-push-extend code differences)))))
+	  (loop for standard-char-name across (char-names from)
+	     for char-name across (char-names encoding)
+	     for code from 0
+	     do
+	       (cond
+		 ((and (not char-name) standard-char-name)
+		  (start-range code) (vector-push-extend ".notdef" differences))
+		 ((and char-name (not (equal char-name standard-char-name)))
+		  (start-range code)
+		  (vector-push-extend (add-/ char-name) differences))
+		 (t (start-range nil)))))
+	(full-encoding-differences encoding))
+    differences))
\ No newline at end of file
Index: font-metrics.lisp
--- font-metrics.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ font-metrics.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
;;Many thanks to Alexey Dejneka (adejneka at comail.ru) who finished the  
parsing of the AFM files.
-(defvar *font-metrics* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defclass char-metrics ()
    ((code  :accessor code  :initarg :code)
     (name  :accessor name  :initarg :name)
@@ -293,7 +291,7 @@
      (with-open-file (s filename :direction :input :external-format  
        (setf font-metrics (afm-font-metrics s font-metrics-class)))
      (setf void-char (gethash "VoidCharacter" (characters font- 
-    (iter (for (name char-metrics) in-hashtable (characters font- 
+    (iter (for (nil char-metrics) in-hashtable (characters font- 
            (for gid = (index char-metrics))
            (for code = (code char-metrics))
            (when (and (<= 0 code #xfffe))
@@ -307,7 +305,7 @@
	    (vector-push-extend (vector (round (* 1000 (width char- 
metrics)))) (cid-widths font-metrics))))
      (setf encoding-vector (make-array (1+ max-code) :initial- 
element void-char)
            pdf-widths (make-array (1+ max-code) :initial-element 0))
-    (iter (for (name char-metrics) in-hashtable (characters font- 
+    (iter (for (nil char-metrics) in-hashtable (characters font- 
            (for code = (code char-metrics))
            (when (<= min-code code max-code)
              (setf (aref encoding-vector code) char-metrics
Index: pdf-base.lisp
--- pdf-base.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ pdf-base.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@
(defmethod make-image ((jpeg jpeg-image) &key type)
+  (declare (ignore type))
    (make-instance 'pdf:image
           :bits (data jpeg)
           :width (width jpeg) :height (height jpeg)
Index: png.lisp
--- png.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ png.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
    ;; For color key masking, the Mask entry is an array of 2*N  
    ;; [min1 max1 ¥ minN maxN], where N is the number of color  
components in the
    ;; image's color space.
+  (declare (ignore type))
    (let* ((nb-components (nb-components png))
           (palette (palette png))
Index: iterate/package.lisp
--- iterate/package.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ iterate/package.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
      with while until adjoining nconcing appending
      nunioning unioning reducing accumulate accumulating))
-(export +clause-names+ '#:iterate)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (export +clause-names+ '#:iterate))
;;; arch-tag: "b8bb0bb6-313c-11d8-abb9-000c76244c24"
Index: zlib.lisp
--- zlib.lisp	(revision 118)
+++ zlib.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
(defun load-zlib (&optional force)
+  (declare (ignore force))
    (setf *compress-streams* t))
Index: cl-pdf.asd
--- cl-pdf.asd	(revision 118)
+++ cl-pdf.asd	(working copy)
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@
    :components ((:file "defpackage")
	       (:file "config" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
	       #+use-uffi-zlib (:file "init" :depends-on ("config"))
-	       (:file "zlib" :depends-on ("defpackage" #+use-uffi-zlib  
-	       (:file "font-metrics"  :depends-on ("config"))
+	       (:file "zlib" :depends-on ("defpackage" "config" #+use-uffi- 
zlib "init"))
+	       (:file "font-metrics"  :depends-on ("config" "font"))
	       (:file "encodings"  :depends-on ("defpackage"))
-	       (:file "t1-font" :depends-on ("font-metrics" "encodings"))
+	       (:file "t1-font" :depends-on ("font" "font-metrics"  
	       (:file "ttu-font" :depends-on ("font-metrics"))
-	       (:file "font" :depends-on ("t1-font"))
+	       (:file "font" :depends-on ("encodings"))
	       (:file "pdf" :depends-on ("font"))
	       (:file "x11-colors" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
	       (:file "pdf-base" :depends-on ("pdf" "x11-colors"))
@@ -55,5 +55,6 @@
	       (:file "pdf-geom" :depends-on ("pdf-base"))
	       (:file "text" :depends-on ("pdf-base"))
	       (:file "bar-codes" :depends-on ("pdf-geom"))
-	       (:file "chart" :depends-on ("text" "pdf-geom")))
+	       (:file "chart" :depends-on ("text" "pdf-geom" "load-fonts"))
+	       (:file "load-fonts" :depends-on ("defpackage" "font-metrics")))
    :depends-on (:iterate #+use-salza-zlib :salza))

Peter Seibel           * peter at gigamonkeys.com
Gigamonkeys Consulting * http://www.gigamonkeys.com/
Practical Common Lisp  * http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/

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