[cl-pdf-devel] on escaping parentheses and backslashes

Aleksandar Bakic a_bakic at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 11:59:08 UTC 2005

> Normally cl-typesetting takes care of the escaping of the special
> characters.
> Do you have a reproductible example ?

I sent you the cl-typesetting patch below in a private email, as I am not yet a
member of the list. It seems to fix the problem.


Index: stroke.lisp
--- stroke.lisp (revision 110)
+++ stroke.lisp (working copy)
@@ -74,8 +74,10 @@
               (unless (or string text-chunk)
                 (setf text-x x text-y (+ offset y)))
               (let ((char (boxed-char char-box)))
-                (when (find char "\\()" :test #'char=)
-                  (push #\\ string))
+                (unless (and *font* (typep (pdf::font-metrics *font*)
+                                           'pdf::ttu-font-metrics))
+                  (when (find char "\\()" :test #'char=)
+                    (push #\\ string)))
                 (push char string)))
             (add-spacing (space)
               (setf space (round (/ (* -1000 space) *text-x-scale*)

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