[cl-pdf-devel] patch for contrib/zlib-clisp.lisp

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Thu Nov 17 18:23:19 UTC 2005

Peter Seibel <peter at gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2005, at 10:06 AM, Marc Battyani wrote:
> > Peter Seibel <peter at gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
> >> On Nov 17, 2005, at 6:29 AM, Marc Battyani wrote:
> >>
> >>> Yaroslav Kavenchuk <kavenchuk at jenty.by>
> >>>
> >>>> at clisp there is module "zlib"
> >>
> >>> Is this for windows only or portable on every clisp supported OS ?
> >>
> >> There's also the question of what license this code is under--if it's
> >> part of CLISP it's GPL and thus you can't just grab it unless you
> >> want to GPL cl-pdf.
> >
> > Even if it's in the contrib directory ? It's a user contributed
> > file after
> > all, not a real part of cl-pdf.
> > There is no cl-pdf copyright in it, just the original public domain
> > one from
> > the author (Joerg-Cyril Hoehle)
> Do you mean CLISP rather than cl-pdf above? If it's not actually part
> of CLISP and has been placed in the public domain by the author, then
> you're probably all set. (Modulo the problem with certain
> jurisdictions (Germany, I think) making it essentially impossible to
> put stuff in the public domain.

What I mean is that it's not a part of cl-pdf so the viral GPL can't apply
to cl-pdf IMO. There have been yet another discussion on this in cll and I
think that as long as an interface is not CLISP only then it's ok. (ie there
are N zlib intefaces)


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