[cl-pdf-devel] Re: cl-pdf with sbcl on debian

Dmitri Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Tue Mar 8 12:57:36 UTC 2005

Hello Jason,

| "Jason Dagit" <dagit at cs.oregonstate.edu> wrote:
|> debugger invoked on a SB-INT:STREAM-ENCODING-ERROR in thread 32052:
|>   encoding error on stream #<FILE-STREAM for "file \"/tmp/ex1.pdf\""
|>   {9F2A229}>
|>     the character with code 11377784 cannot be encoded.
| It is right, a character with code 11377784 is really not ASCII.
| There is probably an unicode string somewhere and cl-pdf does not
| support it yet.
| Maybe some SBCL user can confirm this.

Though I am an LW user, not SBCL user, but I can confirm this. To deal with
Unicode characters in CL-PDF now, you have to convert them to 8-bit encoding
manually and accompany by a corresponding Type1 font.

For an example how to combat Unicode in LW, please take a look at http://lisp.ystok.ru/cl-pdf.html
Dmitri Ivanov

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