[cl-pdf-devel] patch for small bug in t1-load

Stephan Frank crimsonf at cs.tu-berlin.de
Sun Dec 21 13:43:58 UTC 2003


the attached patch corrects a small bug in the array indexing while reading
pfb-files. The result was that the last part (which sall contain the 512 zeros
and cleartomark command) was actually read from a different location, thus
leading to incorrect data in the binary-data slot array.

-------------- next part --------------
--- /home/root2/prj/cl-pdf/t1-font.lisp	Sat Dec 20 19:41:44 2003
+++ t1-font.lisp	Sun Dec 21 13:50:21 2003
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     (setf (subseq binary-data length1 (+ length1 length2))
 	  (subseq data start2 (+ start2 length2)))
     (setf (subseq binary-data (+ length1 length2)(+ length1 length2 length3))
-	  (subseq data start2 (+ start3 length3)))
+	  (subseq data start3 (+ start3 length3)))
     (setf (binary-data t1fm) binary-data
 	  (length1 t1fm) length1
 	  (length2 t1fm) length2

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